GCSE French Vocabulary Foundation Tier Reading 2004 PPT2
There are 27 vocabulary slides in this presentation. Run through them a couple of times saying each one out loud to yourself– then use the PowerPoint again to test yourself.
louer [loo-ay ] to rent/hire
disponible [dees-pon-nee-bluh] available
de la place [duh la plass] room/space
à pied [ah pee-ay] on foot
en hiver [on ee-vair] in winter
en été [on ay-tay] in summer
toute l’année [toot lan-nay] all year
ski nautique [skee nor-teek] water ski-ing
voile [vwal] sailing
natation [na-tass-see-yon] swimming
en face [on fass] opposite
autocar [or-tow-car] coach
libre [leeb-ruh] free
n’oubliez pas [noo-blee-ay pah] don’t forget
seul [surl] alone
affaires [a-fair] things/belongings
prudent [proo-don] careful
élèves [ay-lev] pupils
apporter [a-por-tay] to bring
en car [on car] by coach
il faut [eel foe] it is necessary / you must
assis [ass-see] sitting down
copain [co-pahn] friend
fumer [foo-may] to smoke
perdre [pair-druh] to lose
tard [tar] late
tôt [toe] early