R esolutions NPTA Convention Resolutions Committee June, 2006 From Issues to Solutions
Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006 Workshop Scope Identifying the Issue Drafting the Resolution Submitting the Resolution Amending, Rescinding Supporting the Resolution NPTAs Resolutions Committee Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006
Identifying the Issue Have you ever…? Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006
Resolution Formal statement that outlines action by a group of people. Original motion that is submitted in writing because of its importance, length or complexity. Position adopted by a vote of the general membership.
Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006 Resolution - Power Local Unit – Describes what a group of concerned citizens (PTA) stand for. Member – Offers a way for all members to be heard. Public Statement - Informs other that the PTA is serious about the issue Advocacy – Creates a platform to work from in legislative arenas Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006
Drafting the Resolution Develop a concise statement about the issue. Do initial research to build basis for support from membership Create a committee to take the resolution to the next step – narrative summary Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006 The crosswalk in front of the high school is dangerous because of speeding cars and lack of supervision.
Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006 Research – Initial Questions In accordance with PTA objects and policies? Already covered by a state or NPTA resolution or position paper? Already exists elsewhere in your state? Factual information for research available? Other resources or organizations with background information in community or online? Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006
Initial - Draft Check for forms with guidelines (state and NPTA) Begin planning for the two parts of a resolution Whereas – the preamble, statements which describe the issue, shows the reason for the resolution and gives information Resolved – the main motion that states the action called for by your group.
Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006 Whereas – Be It Resolved Whereas – sufficient background material and rationale Whereas – Three (3) items of support per clause recommended Be It Resolved – directs the PTA to take some form of action Be It Resolved – state the action the PTA wants to be taken to help solve the problem
Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006 Submitting the Resolution Submit to state and/or NPTA Check for state requirements Check NPTA requirements
Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006 Group Activity
Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006 Amending, Rescinding Goals of the resolution need to be changed Goals of the resolution are no longer relevant Goals of the resolution have been met
Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006 Support Call for assistance NPTA Resolution Guidelines Learn from missed opportunities Be a support for someone else
Resolutions, NPTA Convention, June 2006 NPTAs Resolutions Committee Identify emerging issues Review Resolution submittals Evaluate existing Resolutions