Look at me, I can make my face look all blurry! I have found that as long as I am smiling, no one knows that Im sleeping! WHAT?!?! I didnt do anything! Woah! I think I am going to fall over backwards! So this is what the world looks like for an Oompa Loompa. Sweet! Im the tallest kid in the class! If Lee is Beth does that make me Lee?!? I hope we win our game today. Has anyone seen my neck?! My eyes look really freaky like this! Hey wait a minute! My lunch money isnt in my pocket! Nice - now I can buy two lunches! The next time we sing our tech songs, I want to have a solo! Im starting to get concerned about those 3 glowing lights on my leg! Alright, I am hiding a quarter in one of my hands. Guess which one. I cant believe I have this green and white sign sticking out of my head! I wonder if Mr Armstrong will notice that I am trying to smuggle his vice out of the room in my pocket... This is my best evil scowl look. I wonder if its really true that no two snowflakes are exactly the same. This is cool, I am using the metal lathe right now, and no one knows it! Thats right, my hair is taller than anyone elses. Dont worry, Ill catch you. OK Lee. You can get off my back now.
Technology class ROCKS!