Presented by: Rita Battaglin May, 2012 Understanding Financial Counselling in CALD Communities Digital Story Project Insert logo here
Aim of the Project: 2 To develop a community education resource using digital stories to promote the role of financial counsellors and the nature of the service to CALD communities, particularly newly arrived communities with limited knowledge of systems in regards to managing personal and family finances. Highlights 8 common issues experienced by migrants and refugees by creating a narrated photo story that illustrates the problem, demonstrates potential solutions and sources of assistance.
Who is it for? 3 The resource is designed to assist Financial Counsellors, Settlement and Community Service Workers who service migrant and refugee client groups The resource can be used by Community Development Workers to provide information about financial issues and services available to CALD communities It can also be used as a tool in the ESL classroom to provide useful information while assisting with language acquisition The digital photo-stories will be provided in 5 languages: English Arabic Burmese Dari Farsi
The Topics 4 1. Utility bills (using Centrepay to manage utility bills) 2. Family money (the family budget and communication) 3. Youth scenario (managing money) 4. Fines (what can happen if you don’t pay your traffic infringements) 5. Car loans and debt (repaying loans if you lose your job) 6. Credit cards and debt (the pitfalls of store cards) 7. Payday loans (high interest rates and cooling off periods) 8. Budgeting (Meeting needs and wants on Centrelink income).
The Photo-stories 5 An excerpt from two of the photo stories follow: fines payday lenders. the photo-stories were produced in collaboration with Kite Media
The Education Kit 6 An Education kit accompanies each photo story, providing resources to use the stories for information and education purposes The materials can be customised to suit the user The Education Kit includes: Training presentation (PowerPoint) Lesson plan for the session ESL materials including activities and assessments A flyer to advertise training sessions Resource Guide Cultural and Settlement Issues presentation (resource for Workers)
Contacts 7 Copies of the DVD resource will be available for distribution to community sector organisations For more information about the Digital Story Project and to order your copy please contact: Rita Battaglin, Pathway and Support Services Manager Ruth Morgan, Community Development Worker T: (03) E: