To be or Not To Be
yosoynosotrossomos túeres élellos ellaesellasson ustedustedes Marta es de España. Marta is from Spain. Tú eres muy simpática. You are very nice.
D escriptive (what do they look like?) O rigin (where are they from?) O ccupation (what do they do?) M aterials (what are they made of?) P ersonality (what are they like?) I dentity (who are they?) T ime (what time is it?)
yoestoynosotrosestamos túestás élellos ellaestáellasestán ustedustedes Yo estoy cansada hoy. I am tired today. Mis hermanos están enfermos. My brothers are sick.
T emporary (how are they emotionally feeling?) L ocation (where are they?) C ondition (how is their health?)