Coastal Hazard Line demarcation & Integrated Coastal Zone Management Based on established scientific principles
Demarcation of a Vulnerability Setback / Hazard line. Setback line is the boundary line beyond which the effect of Natural Hazards such as erosion and sea- level-rise will not be felt. The parameters involved are: Elevation, sea-level-rise & Coastal Erosion.
Elevation: DEM will be generated by Photogrammetry. Sea-Level Rise: Tidal data will be processed to compute the 100 year Return Period Extreme Tidal Height values at any Transect point using Weibull Distribution and Linear Interpolation. Coastal Erosion: Annual Rate of Coastal Erosion will be Computed by comparing the oldest Topo-Map and the Latest Aerial Photography Ortho / satellite Image and extrapolated to next 100 years.
Fresh Aerial Photography” with 9 cm gsd using Digital Aerial Camera. Primary Ground Control. Block Control Control extension - Photogrammetry. AT & Block adjustment. DEM Collection at 5m Grid. Ortho & Feature Collection
Use extreme elevation data of 100 year return period at 20 major and 250 minor ports computed by G & RB, SOI. Interpolate at other Transect points using linear interpolation. Transfer these heights to the DEM and join the line. This will give the flood line.
Compute rate of coastal erosion at every 500 m transect point using old Topo Sheet and new satellite image / ortho photo data. Extrapolate for 100 year return interval using linear extrapolation. This line represents coastal erosion line.
The final Hazard Line Is the most landward of the Flood Line & Erosion Line. Delineate the same In a GIS Environment. Mark on Ground with pillars / markers.
Coastal States
a)Levelling Establish BMs & BCP (heights) b)Establishment of Primary GCPs c)Establishment of Secondary GCP and BCP (Horizontzl) d)Aerial Photography QA/QC procedures Photography Statutory clearances e)Photogrammetry and Map Data generation Aerial Triangulation (AT) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Contour generation Ortho-rectification
f) Tidal Data Analysis Computation of 100 year Return Period Flood Line. g) Erosion Data Analysis Computation of 100 year Return Period Erosion Line. g) Mapping the final Hazard Line Most Landward of Flood Line / Erosion Line. h) Demarcation of Hazard Line Fixing of Markers/ Pillars
Aerial Photography & Preliminary AT/DEM/Ortho. Rigorous Photogrammetric Survey. Quality Control at various stages.
Provision of Ground Control Points By Survey of India
Primary Control Secondary Control
High Precision Double Tertiary Single Tertiary Stability Check Linear Adjustment Along The Flight Line Post pointing of Staff Positions to serve as Check Points.
DT Levelling No of Lines 2 Length18600Km ST Leveling No of Lines (No. of Strips +1) 9 Length (6 Lines) 83700Km Total Length of Level Lines km
Principle of Whole To Part Leap Frog Method Least Square Adjustment Carrier Phase Relative Positioning (Phase Difference) Static Mode Loop Closure Positional Accuracy 2 Cm GPS
Radial Line Method Loop Closure Check Positional Accuracy 4 Cm Planning Adjustment DEM No. of Mass Points1,736,000,000 Break lines50% Total Height Points 2,604,000,000 Density of Mass 5 m Omission of Break lines Checking of TIN
Most vital component of this Project. Photography is just a means to the end. Its specifications have been designed to meet the end-product gsd 9 cm Designed to maximize its utility in Photogrammetric Processes
Acquisition Requirements Platform Camera Mounts Certification Flight Plan and Coverage ( Flying Conditions Image Requirements Spatial Resolution Spectral Resolution Radiometric Resolution Control Requirements Pre-pointed Control Differential GPS/GNSS & IMU Control Ground Stations GPS Control for horizontal control (1 st Order) Levelling Heights for vertical control (H.P BMs)
Quality Control
Closely Managed Processes with built-in Quality Checks Closely Managed Processes with built-in Quality Checks Documentation Documentation Standard Operation Procedures Work Flows Quality Checks at each stage Quality Checks at each stage GCP Control (Plan & Height) – Rigorous Deptt. standards Flight Planning - Approval Flight Execution & Monitoring (Differential GPS and IMU) Flight Evaluation – Corrective action while resources still at site Go ahead approval. Quality Control Records Quality Control Records
Preliminary AT/Ortho-rectification (FULL PROOF QA/QC )with minimum effort and gestation lag) Suitability for Photogrammetric Processes, check for Direct Sensor Orientation, Pre-pointed controls, overlaps & gaps Measurement and certification of work also based on Preliminary Ortho
Sea Level Rise / Flood Line Mapping
Flood Line Mapping Input 100 year return period elevations of 20 primary ports. Data of about 250 secondary ports. 0.5m contours / DEM. Ortho aerial image.
Interpolation Of Return Period Tidal Elevations Compute 100 year Return Period Max Elevations values at each of the 20 primary ports. Compute 100 year Return Period values at each of the 250 Secondary Port using 2 neighboring primary ports This will give 100 year RPs at about every 30 km. Draw a base line for measurements and make Transects at every 500 m. Linearly Interpolate at Transect points using 2 neighboring Primary / Secondary ports.
Interpolation Of Return Period Primary Ports Secondary Ports Transect Points
Survey of India is one of the premier organizations in the world having more than 130 years of expertise in tidal data acquisition. It is a large store house of tidal data, collected from major part of its area of responsibility. Presently Survey of India is maintaining a huge network of permanent tidal stations, located along the Indian Coast and Islands. These tidal stations are equipped with state-of-the-art digital tide gauges, co-located with dual frequency GPS receivers and real time data transmission facilities through dedicated VSAT network.
Estimated tidal heights for 100 years return period have been determined for the ports having tidal records for at least 10 years. 20 such tidal stations have been identified in the east and west coast for determining the tidal level for 100 years return period. i. Provide minimum 10 years of historical tide gauge data for all ports within the state boundary for which long term observations are available. ii. Determine the Annual Maximum Water Level for each year and each port. iii. Reduce Annual Maxima from Chart Datum to IMSL and tabulate. iv. Rank order the data v. Calculate Weibull distribution and plotting positions of all the available data. vi. Fit regression line to plotted data and extrapolate to 100 years. vii. Calculate the tidal heights for 100 years return period.
Interpolation Of Return Period At Minor Ports 100 years Return Period for major port M1 (Known Station) = 5.89 m 100 years Return Period for major port M2 (known Station) = 4.80 m Distance between M1 & M2 = km Distance between M1 and Secondary port S = km Indirect Interpolation: Tidal Ht. for 100 year RP-HAT of M1= = Tidal Ht. for 100 year RP-HAT of M2 = = Correction for S= {( )*Distance from M1 (21.46)}/Total Distance(47.52) = m 100 years Return Period for S = HAT of S + Correction = = m m 100 years Return Period Calculated by Indirect interpolation = m
5.89 m 4.80m km HAT = m HAT = m RP - HAT = m RP - HAT = M DIFFERENCE IN RP-HAT = m
Completeness of Tidal Data ….. All available Data up to 2010 will be used after checking for quality. All available Data up to 2010 will be used after checking for quality. Month-wise distribution / availability of data will be checked. Month-wise distribution / availability of data will be checked. Regularity of Missing Data will also be checked. Regularity of Missing Data will also be checked. Tsunami / Cyclone data will also be included. Tsunami / Cyclone data will also be included.
Linear Interpolation at Transect Points Two ports ( primary / secondary) will be taken (x,y) (x2,y2) at a time: (x,y) (x2,y2) (y - y1) Δy ( x1,y1) (x-x1) (y - y1) Δy ( x1,y1) (x-x1) Δx Δx (y - y1) / (x-x1) = (Δy/ Δx) (y - y1) / (x-x1) = (Δy/ Δx) Based on Equation of line or Similar Triangles y = y1 + (Δy/ Δx)(x-x1)
Erosion Line Mapping. Required inputs: - Multiple shoreline positions - User-generated baseline
Transects For Erosion Line Mapping. DSAS generates transects that are cast perpendicular to the baseline at a user-specified spacing alongshore. The transect/shoreline intersections along this baseline are then used to calculate the rate-of-change statistics.
Project Deliverables DEM:Grid 5 m Ortho-Rectified Photographs Ortho-Rectified Photographs 1:10000Scale Hazard Line Marked on the Ortho-Rectified Prints Hazard Line demarcated on the ground Symbolized Vector Data: Features: Village Boundary Polygon with Name Village Roads and above All Names Other Major Feature such as Rivers, Lakes, Sea, Railway lines, Canals etc
Multiplying Factor 1.5 Interval of Pegs / Markers 500m Interval of Pillars 10Km Length of Hazard line 9300Km No. Of Pegs / Markers Nos. No. Of Pillars 900 Nos.