Status Report William Parker Dan Edwards April 1, 2010
INNOVATIVE PATHWAYS Elementary Alternative at Mullanphy Gr 3-5 Innovative Concepts Academy at Blewett Gr 6-12 Alternative Education South at Lyon Gr 6-12 Alternative Central Special Education Placements 3-12 ACE Learning Centers (6) YoA Big Picture at Northwest 7-12 Fresh Start Academy at Turner YoA 2/14/2014 2St. Louis Public Schools Griscom Juvenile Detention Center 6-12 Juvenile Court Assignments Capacity
Conferences/Parent Contacts Parent and Student Contacts and Conferences for services950 + School Referrals to Innovative Pathways844 Students assigned to alternative programs556 Short-term suspensions – returned to school of origin154 Out of school suspensions through end-of-year, Conferences pending43 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools3
Enrollment is variable throughout the school year as students are exited to conventional settings, graduate or exit / re-enter programs. 2/14/20144St. Louis Public Schools Innovative Concepts Alternative South ACE/ Alternative Central MO Options – Fresh Start Big NW Elementary Education Mullanphy Griscom Totals Students Served (9) pending Current Enrollment Attendance Percentage Under review Graduates (projected) ( 42 currently certified 122 awaiting examination) 20( NA )0283
2/14/20145St. Louis Public Schools Innovative Concepts Alternative South ACE Alternative Central MO Options- Fresh Start Big NW Elementary Education Mullanphy Griscom Students Served (9 pending) 27 Total Grades Under review Non-SIS728 Non-SIS Under review 156 A -B315 /36.5%85 / 14.1%990 / 44.2%---NA345 / 47.4%---55/35.3% C-D352 / 40.8%373 / 72%772 / 34.5%---NA295 / 40.5%---90/57.7% F189 / 21.9%143 / 23.8%0---NA86 / 11.8%---11/7.1% I 6 / 0.7%0 / 0 %467 / NA2 / 0.3%---0 / 0
Capacity Enrollment SiteYR 2008YR 2009Aug 08Aug 09Sept 08Sept 09Oct 08Oct 09Nov 08Nov 09Dec 08Dec 09 Ashland (08)/Northwest(09) Sears II Adult Basic Ed Gateway Humboldt (08)/Roosevelt (09) Blow Total /14/2014St. Louis Public Schools6
High School Projected Beaumont2924 Carnahan 0 4 Central VPA1617 Cleveland11 Gateway2427 Miller CA 8 6 Northwest 0 1 Roosevelt1839 Soldan 7 7 Sumner2833 Vashon3523
ACE has had 300 slots during the school year and 400 during the past two years. ACE has occupied four sites during the school year and six during the past two years. The six locations are geographically arranged to be accessible to all areas of the city. During the current year, ACE has incorporated two sites into existing high schools. Three additional comprehensive high schools are requesting on- campus sites of their own.