MSIP Accountability Plan Presented by: Dr. Cleopatra Figgures Chief Accountability Officer Office of Accountability, Assessment and Intervention
Overview: SLPS Accountability Plan Purpose: The Accountability Plan Following the completion of the 4th Cycle MSIP Full Review and the return of the findings from that review, SLPS will be required to develop an Accountability Plan Outcome: The ATP will support the standards, goals and objectives of the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) and the Comprehensive Long Range Plan (CLRP) The Accountability Plan will become the district’s strategic plan for the next two years and will target concerns identified by the MSIP Review in the areas of: Student Performance Highly Qualified Staff Facilities, Resources and Supports Parent Involvement and Community Relations Governance
Background: Development of the Accountability Plan DESE directed unaccredited districts to complete a MSIP Accountability Plan after a Full MSIP Review to address findings not met or met with concern The SLPS accountability plan is modeled on the ATP submitted by the Kansas City, Missouri School District plan, which was successfully accepted by DESE in December, 2008 District staff and one SAB member, assisted by a consultant, were identified by the superintendent to be team leaders for committees assigned to develop the ATP in February, 2009 A framework was developed that aligns all current “plans” of the district and encompasses key measures of implementation from those plans
Current Situation: Key Parts of the Plan MSIP/APR Review Process that generates the Annual Performance Report (APR) 14 Performance Standards for Accreditation CLRP Comprehensive Long Range Plan (CLRP) 30 Standards for Improvement CSIP Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) NCLB/AYP Targets for Performance and Growth MSIP Accountability Plan
Accountability Plan Key Measures (cross referenced in the CLRP and CSIP): Governance - Sustain effective leadership and management Student Performance – Regain and maintain full accreditation Facilities, Resources and Support - Align and balance supports, revenues and expenditures Highly Qualified Staff - Recruit, develop and retain highly qualified staff Parent and Community Involvement - Promote consistent and meaningful stakeholder involvement
Success Benchmarks for the ATP Demonstrated gains in the number of students meeting or showing improvement over time on the 14 “Critical” and “Urgent” Performance Standards: MAP/EOC Assessments in each of the grade bands (3-6, 5-8 and 9-12) in both reading and math ACT Advanced Courses Career Education Courses College Placement Career Education Placement Graduation Rate Attendance Rate Subgroup Achievement
Solution Diligent monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the key measures Inclusion within the accountability plan of objectives that are clear, measurable, rigorous, and subject to continuous monitoring and improvement On-going use of data from indicators in the “plans” for policy decisions, strategic planning, and progress reports to the SAB and community about student achievement in SLPS
Summation The accountability plan outlines the expectations, responsibilities, interventions and measures SLPS will follow for the next two years The accountability plan states clear, comprehensive and high standards on educational progress towards meeting student performance standards The accountability plan allows for: educational performance of SLPS to be based on review of reliable and valid data from the district an appraisal of the effectiveness of objectives and action steps taken to improve student learning within SLPS building collaborative relations with those invested in the success of SLPS