Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion
Introduction Did you know that there are places on earth that to this day remain undiscovered? In fact, we know more about the surface of the moon than the depths of our oceans! Animals and plants that live in the deepest parts of the ocean look very different from anything that exist on its surface. In your quest, you will observe the sea’s different life forms, figure out why these creatures have these adaptations, and then create a new species!
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Congratulations on your new title of deep-sea researcher! Please take this booklet from the Underwater Labs company and read it on your way over. You should know what you are getting yourself into!
Process As I am sure you already know, all of the plants and animals on earth are part of a delicate balance. This is known as the ecosystem. We have a lot of information about the ecosystems on land, but we do not know much about the ecosystems at the bottom of the sea. That is why we are sending you down there!
Here is what you need to do: Find out how to travel to the site. Using your choice, travel to the depths. Research several different types of plants and animals, paying special attention to adaptations. (Click here to review the definition of “adaptation.”)adaptation Show Underwater Labs what you have learned. Create a new species that can survive there in order to try and repair the damage to the ecosystem.
Hi! Welcome to the Underwater Lab Company! My name is Marina and this is Don. We are looking forward to working with you! We will be guiding you on your quest by asking you questions and showing you where to look.
Enough talking, let’s get started! First you must decide the safest way to get down to the ocean floor. First, this link will show you a diagram of the sea. You will explore the Abyss and below. Did you see how far down it is? More than 13,000 ft.! Now choose your vehicle for exploring: submarine or remote controlled device? Remember, we need something that can stay under 13,000 ft of water and bring back findings! Click below. RobotsRobots 1, Robots 2Robots
Click on the ROV-remotely operated underwater vehicle-to send it down to the deep sea!
Wow, look at these amazing creatures! Explore the various types of videos, photographs, and other types of data gathered about these creatures. You should spend a lot of time researching! Click the creature!
A good scientist takes notes! Get a pen and paper ready or open this document to record observations. A good scientist takes notes! Get a pen and paper ready or open this document to record observations.
Great job exploring! If there are any plants or animals you missed, or would like to know more about, check out these great fact files!
Wow, wasn’t that incredible? Don and I saw some of the images you and the other scientists gathered, and we were amazed. We have one more important task for you…
Evaluation Since the ecosystem has been damaged, our lab came up with an idea. We need you to create 3 things to replace parts of the destroyed deep sea environment - one plant, one prey animal, and one predator. Remember, they all must be able to live in their environment! here Click here to experiment with different fish in deep water. here Use your data and what you know about animal adaptations to create your creatures.
Thank you for your cooperation student scientist. We look forward to developing your new species and putting them into the ecosystem. Please be sure to include detailed explanations of your creatures and any important information about their features.
You did such a wonderful job on this project that the Underwater Lab company has decided to let you have some fun with their ROV! Enjoy! Conclusion
Thank you for the work you’ve done on this project. We look forward to reading your report. As a token of thanks, we have made all our equipment available to you. Click on the items below to continue exploring! BBC NOAA My Submarine We look forward to working with you again sometime!