Introduction Welcome to Whiting As Mayor, I confident that a partnership between the CBM and the City of Whiting will be mutually beneficial After seeing our City and our future plans, hopefully you’ll also agree
Background Information The Stars in Whiting are now aligned: –Over $50M being invested into our Lakefront –$7M invested in new sports venues including Oil City Stadium –Over $4B invested by the BP Refinery –Not for public release - An estimated $200M soon to be invested in BP Office Complex –Up to $60M in public funds and another $75M in privately funded projects planned for the new Stadium District 7-Year Windfall from BP refinery investment Bonds expected to be issued by Fall of 2013
Stadium District Plan Conceptual Drawing Pending final approval of Bonds and approval of appropriate boards We will begin the implementation of the Plan late this fall Plan commissioned to aide developers with financing and to finalize fluid plans Estimated time frame for the bond money to be available is Nov. 1st
Stadium District Plan Highlights include: –New 120+ room Hotel Expected to include a catered Banquet Hall –4 Commercial/Multi-Use Buildings –Additional 5000sf. Restaurant Opport. –30 Unit Senior Apartment Complex –Up to 120 Condos –New Children’s “Edu-tainment” Facility This project will be replaced with Mascot HOF –New Public Works Facility –A New 25,000sf - $12M City Museum
Museum Proposal Add ~10,000sf for CBM –White Boxed space CBM would: –Have access to common areas: Restrooms Elevators Lobby Reception Area Multi-Use Room Loading Dock Concessions & Gift Shop determined after further discussion with CBM
Museum Proposal Allows for all available area to be used for exhibits, offices or storage Whiting will allow CBM input before finalizing the design –Entry way to CBM addition, storage, etc. FYI - Architectural work still not complete for addition Whiting would consider allowing CBM to operate concessions for revenue sharing considerations
Museum Timeline Design is currently 75% complete and could be ready for bid soon Could be put out to bid as soon as bonds are approved – September –This has been delayed so expansion plans can be considered Construction could start as early as late 2013 –This has been delayed so expansion plans can be considered
Play Museum Design Animation Animation link included in
Other Factors During the bond approval process, it is possible that: –The Museum could get delayed or even cancelled –There is a public argument that the money can be put to better use –If we have a CBM commitment, I’m confident that the odds are 95%+ that it gets built ASAP –Discuss the Public Process
Our Offer Pending all previously described approvals, the City would offer the CBM a 5-Year Arrangement: –The first 3 years at $1 per year –Years 4 and 5 based on a gate revenue sharing agreement TBD –First right to renew –Access to all other areas of the museum for special events at a TBD rental fee (cover costs) Flex Room – 1700 sf ( capacity) Lobby
Our Offer Expectations of the CBM include: –Fund costs of CBM exhibits and related build out –Cover cost of pro-rated utilities –Provide all labor/staffing for CBM operation –Market the CBM and the City of Whiting Bring people here Win-Win
Next Steps Signed MOU – helps me solidify funding decision Complete City approvals and public process Work toward final “Lease” agreement Whiting is closer than you think to the City and it will make a great place to make the CBM a reality