Weather at Your Fingertips Eleanor Vallier-Talbot Co-Chair NWA Education Committee Presenting Real Time Weather in Your Classroom
Weather on the Web? If you do a web search for “weather,” how many responses do you get??
How does… grab you? Yep, 1.17 BILLION !!!!!
Near Real Time Weather Many, many websites are available for you to get near real time weather, right at your fingertips! –Locally, nationally and internationally –Weather maps/temperatures/pressure –Weather radar, satellite –Forecast models Simulations of the atmosphere, and what the computer program thinks the weather will do!
What do you use? Depends upon what you want to present to your students –Current weather conditions –Weather forecast maps –Satellite/Radar –Climate information Is the information age appropriate? –You have to do the searching to determine this before presenting to your students!
Where do you begin?? As you can see, there are MANY, MANY sources out there You may already use private or public sites that provide great information If you don’t know of any, how about –NOAA/National Weather Service –NOAA Climate Service (new agency!) FYI…most websites get MOST or ALL of their data from NOAA!!!
Graphical forecasts produced at least twice daily and updated as necessary at all 123 NWS forecast offices across the U.S.!
National Digital Forecast Database – Takes gridded forecast data from all 123 WFOs and places it on one “seamless” national map for various parameters -- Temperatures -- Cloud cover -- Precipitation amount -- Winds -- Weather type forecasts/graphical/sectors/
Image Archive Site Prior to August 1,
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