1: iTools basic concepts 2: Starting iTools TOPICS: This presentation has over 100 slides. Advance to topic of interest. 1: iTools basic concepts 2: Starting iTools 3: Finding Modules on the Network 4: Parameter View 5: Soft Wiring 6: Toolkit Blocks (Maths and Logic Blocks) 7: User Page Views (2704) 8: Watch Recipe (custom views) 9: Views: Programmer (SETPOINT PROGRAMS) 10: OPC SCOPE (Datalogging) 11: Saving module configuration setting 12: Simulation & Off line clone creation 13: OPC Server (iTools OPEN Version) 14: Application: Remote Sites
iTools software runs on any PC allowing configuration, monitoring and control of equipment on a serial network. Modules on ModBus network iTools running on PC ModBus iTools Basics.
iTools software blocks running on PC Excel - Analysis - Historical trend plots iTools - Configuration - Cloning DDE SCADA Wonderware CiTech OPC Scope - Trend plots - Watch screen - Datalogging - User screens OPC OPC OPC OPC -ModBus server Serial Input to PC ModBus iTools Basics.
iTools Advanced Features OPC client/server architecture SCADA integration, e.g. Wonderware & CiTech, with no additional drivers OPC = OLE for Process Control {Faster than DDE} OLE = Object Linking and Embedding Support for DDE included ActiveX components User can build own views using Visual Basic etc.
Operating Systems Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT 4.0 (SP4 or later) installation requires Administrator privileges Windows 2000
System Requirements minimum 40MB hard disk space
iTools Editions DEMO - no Product Key required STANDARD OPEN some functions disabled communications limited to 30 minutes STANDARD all features available except third party access to the OPC ModBus server OPEN all features available with third party access to the OPC ModBus server. Use this edition if Wonderware or some other SCADA is a client
iTools applications - advanced ModBus OPC Server communications driver iTools Remote launches iTools with option to connect to a ModBus OPC Server running on a remote computer IDM Manager may be used to install support for additional device types IDM = Instrument Descriptor Module provides complete characterisation of a device type/version iTools Installation Diagnostics helpdesk aid
iTools communications iTools communications driver is a ModBus OPC server Supported communications protocols: Serial ModBus (RS232 or RS485) Eurotherm factory communications based closely on serial ModBus ModBus TCP for use over Ethernet TCP/IP typically requires a ModBus TCP to serial ModBus gateway, e.g. a Lantronix CoBox No support for communications over ProfiBus
Start the iTools program from the default install location.
SEARCHING FOR MODULES ON NETWORK Ensure the modules are on the network and powered. Click on the SCAN button as shown to search for modules attached to the network.
The Enable Background Scan window appears The Enable Background Scan window appears. This allows for scanning to commence from node address 255 or from an address (usually 1) that you select. The Connect to Configuration station is another device available from Eurotherm for fast large volume configuration projects allowing fast un-powered configuration.
Once the scan is started it will find all modules on the network Once the scan is started it will find all modules on the network. This scan found a Eurotherm 2704 on serial com 4. The window shows the Browse parameter window and the Panel View picture of the module detected.
If only one module is on the network or the scan has found all modules on your network, stop the background scan by again clicking on the SCAN button. This makes your system faster as the serial comms does not have to communicate to the module as well as continue searching for new equipment.
VIEWS: PARAMETER VIEW The Parameter window allow access to all module parameters for monitoring or configuration. It is selected from the drop down selection beside the Views Button.
Shown in the right window is the parameter view for the process variable input on the 2704. The parameters monitors the real-time information for the PV input. The OPERATOR level access which is available in this view allows the user to vary any parameter in BLACK. All parameters in BLUE are read only. In this mode variables such as the scaling factors can be altered.
To access the configuration mode to allow full calibration of the PV input, the unit must be put into the configuration mode by clicking on the ACCESS button.
For safety reasons in the configuration mode all the module outputs are turned off. This pop out window advises that you are about to enter the configuration mode and that control will be halted. Click yes to continue.
The device is in the configuration mode The device is in the configuration mode. Note the “Spanner” symbol indicating configuration mode. Notice also that a number of extra parameters are now available to the operator such as TYPE and LinTyp. These are only accessible in configuration mode.
In this example the input type parameter has been selected (by double clicking on the variable). The pop out window has a list of variables that can be selected as the input type for this module’s input. Simply select the appropriate input and select OK.
From the previous example mV has been selected From the previous example mV has been selected. The LINTYP shows the linearisation options. Linear would be typically selected, but custom curves can also be selected.
If a mV, V or mA input is selected, the operator can also choose complete scaling. IOL and IOH are the input electrical hi and lo, which are scaled to equal the values selected for VALL and VALH. The user can also select Units for the parameter, mV has been chosen but this could be any standard or custom unit.
When a parameter is modified by the operator, as soon as the OK button is pressed the information is downloaded to the modules permanent memory.
SOFT WIRING (2604 & 2704) In place of external wiring to configure I/O blocks, Eurotherm modules have the ability to “soft-wire” parameters. This allows the user the simplicity of internally ‘wiring’ any parameter as the input to another parameter.
For example say you want to ‘wire’ the PV input to make it the source for the PID Loop 2. Double click on the parameter.
The pop out window allows the user to choose the appropriate link or ‘wire’ from all available parameters. Here we have scrolled down to find the PV value parameter in the PV_input list found in the Standard IO menu. Select the val tag and then click OK.
The scaled value on the PV input is now linked or ‘soft-wired’ as the input source parameter for the PID Loop 2.
VIEWS: TOOLKIT BLOCKS (2604 & 2704) Toolkit Blocks is the term used to describe the powerful mathematics and Boolean logic capability available in the Eurotherm 2604 & 2704 controllers as well as the 2500 modular system.
User values are useful as constants for alarm inputs, logic comparators or for formula constants.
The ANALOGUE blocks allow for almost any mathematical function The ANALOGUE blocks allow for almost any mathematical function. The blocks can be cascaded to provide for the most complex of calculations. Any parameter can be soft wired to the inputs allowing for infinite configuration of the module.
Available functions include: +, -, /, x, log, min, max, exp, sample & hold, hot swap, and logic select. Both inputs allow for scaling inputs as well as high and low output limits.
The logic blocks provide for any digital and Boolean expression The logic blocks provide for any digital and Boolean expression. The blocks can be used for simple AND gates or comparisons, but can also be cascaded with the analogue blocks to allow for true hybrid control.
Available functions include AND, OR, XOR, Latch, =, >, <, >=, <=. For Boolean functions, both inputs can be inverted if required.
As with other parameters the inputs of the parameters can be soft wired from any parameter in the same drag and drop method, or double clicking the input to reveal the pop-out parameter selection window.
VIEWS: USER PAGES (2704 only)
The graphical screen for the high specification hybrid controller model 2704, can be configured with 8 custom screens. iTools 4.20 is now provided with a simple method of screen generation, which provides simple configuration with real-time viewing.
In the configuration mode the screen is generated from one of 7 basic formats.
Here the screen position 10 is shown in white (selected) Here the screen position 10 is shown in white (selected). As per other inputs, soft-wiring allows any parameter to be wired to this alarm point. Here the selection of the output from User Alarm 2 is selected for the position 10 on the screen.
The position is now provided with information text providing the operator with simple to read screen information. Here the word “cell” is to be used for the position 10. Thus when the alarm is activated in this position the operator will be able to read that the ‘cell’ has a problem.
Only in the configuration mode can the user screen be set up Only in the configuration mode can the user screen be set up. When the system is returned to the normal operator mode (by clicking on ACCESS again), then the actual screen can be seen.
Here is the user screen as programmed Here is the user screen as programmed. Note that only fields that have parameters soft-wired to them will be shown.
VIEWS: WATCH RECIPE Watch Recipes allow the user to monitor parameters from different sections of the parameter list on a single screen. Any parameter can be added to the watch recipe which is in effect a custom menu.
Simply drag any parameter from the left hand ‘explorer’ style menu to the right hand WATCH MENU window.
The parameter then appears in the watch menu, with the data in realtime.
Add as many parameters as required to the Watch window Add as many parameters as required to the Watch window. This allows a custom menu to be developed, with parameters from any sub menu. PARAMETERS MAY ALSO BE FROM DIFFERENT MODULES ON THE NETWORK.
The new watch window can be saved so that it can be simply opened at a later time without the need to recreate the menu.
The watch window also allows for taking ‘SNAPSHOTS’ of the menu data.
Each time the ‘snapshot’ button is pressed a DATA SET is generated Each time the ‘snapshot’ button is pressed a DATA SET is generated. This allows events to be captured.
Thus sequences of data changes can be followed for later analysis if needed.
The Programmer view allows SETPOINT Profile programs to be quickly and easily created. The graphical and ‘Excel’ styled spreadsheet format makes the segment information simple to interpret. This is the analogue view. Allowing modification of the setpoint data and any ‘wait’ events.
Changes to data are shown graphically to aid user comprehension Changes to data are shown graphically to aid user comprehension. The “P_DOut” – Digital Output events for each segment can also be viewed in the analogue view.
While the P_DOut events can be modified by entering the Digital view.
The digital view also provides both graphical and spreadsheet information. Each segment allows for up to 16 separate digital event outputs to be set. These events may be used in conjunction with or separate to the setpoint profile to control digital sequencing, capture events (utilising other logic) etc.
The program can be saved as a separate file for further development or for uploading to other modules.
As setpoint profiling is such an important part of the control strategy and a task that is often modified, to allow for fast programming and program development, the Programmer Editor can be started as a separate program from the iTools menu.
The basic setpoint editor window allows for offline program modification and development independent of the module and the iTools program.
Stored programs can be retrieved.
Using the program editor in the OFFLINE mode allows extra features to be added aiding the speed of program creation and modification – such as ‘cut & paste’ and segment inserting. For example if a large existing program required the addition of new segments using existing segments at the start of the program then after selecting the appropriate segments…..
The segments can be copied…..
And the segments can be simply ‘pasted’ into the required location.
The modified program can then be saved as before….
The program can also be uploaded to the module.
Up to three individual profiles can be generated. Each profile in each segment can also have its own HOLDBACK criteria.
With up to sixteen digital event outputs for each segment, and up to three WAIT events.
VIEWS: OPC SCOPE (Datalogging) The program can started in various ways. From the View menu. VIEWS: OPC SCOPE (Datalogging)
From the WATCH RECIPE view From the WATCH RECIPE view. Note that if started using this method, the program is automatically started with the parameters in the watch recipe.
The Programmer Editor can also be started as a separate program from the iTools menu.
The parameter tags from the same ‘explorer’ style window can be dragged & dropped into the right hand LIST window.
Any number of parameters can be included, and parameters from any number of modules on the network can be added.
The CHART CONTROL PANEL allows the datalogging to be customised The CHART CONTROL PANEL allows the datalogging to be customised. The ‘Items’ tab shows which parameters are logged on the chart.
The ‘Axes’ tab allows modification of the time frame and the scaling for the parameters on the chart, selecting from automatic and manual scaling.
Selecting the ‘CHART” tab then shows the logged values.
The chart logs data on the screen and can be printed The chart logs data on the screen and can be printed. The data can also be logged to a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file, which can be opened using programs such as Excel, for later data evaluation.
When the datalogging is started, a new file is started.
While logging the logging toolbar button changes to reflect the logging status.
Press the button again to stop logging at any time.
The update rate of the chart and logging can also be modified from 100mS to many hours depending on the logging requirements.
The chart shows only the current data The chart shows only the current data. However, the earlier data that has run off the end of the chart is still available as historical data that can be viewed by activating the “Enable review of historical data” feature.
Saving Module Configuration. Once a module’s configuration is complete, a CLONE of the configuration can be made. The saved configuration file can be used for spares back-up and for uploading to other modules requiring identical configuration. Saving Module Configuration.
Once complete a module can be removed from the program using the REMOVE button. This can be useful if a number of modules are opened at the same time.
Realtime Controller Simulation & Offline Clone creation.
The iTools program can be used for developing configuration files offline. These interactive clone files (2200 & 2400) provide completely operational files that are not only useful for generating files for uploading, but are also highly educational training simulations for TAFE & university courses. Clone files for all Series 2000 module can be opened and configured using the “NEW File”
Here a new clone file of a 2404 has been opened Here a new clone file of a 2404 has been opened. The iTools program has all the functions previously outlined. Note in the next couple of slides that the upper display parameter is changing. This is because a load simulation is in operation generating an interactive simulated PID control.
Not only does the display operate but the module control buttons are fully interactive, providing the same control as a real module. Note that if a 2404 had been scanned into iTools that this screen buttons would also operate the actual controller in the field, as if pressed on the controller.
The parameter list mirrors the module screen view parameters.
To configure the I/O of the simulation, the user must also enter the ACCESS mode, just as would be required to configure a real module.
All parameters are identical to a real module All parameters are identical to a real module. As the clone file being generated can be uploaded later to a real module. This allows genuine offline configuration creation without the need for hardware. It also allows for experimenting with parameters without damage to attached plant.
The simulation can also be logged for performance evaluation, just as per a real controller.
All parameters are available for logging.
And just as per a real controller parameters can be changed in OPCscope. Here the setpoint is changed from 50 to 30.
This graph shows the resulting simulation of the setpoint change from 50 to 30.
One interesting item (which can also be useful to do during commissioning of real site equipment is to start the AUTOTUNE on the controller and log the result.
The resulting graph shows how the controller does an Autotune The resulting graph shows how the controller does an Autotune. This is useful for process evaluation as well as invaluable for education and training. The graph very clearly shows the process of autotuning, where initially the process is put into oscillation, allowing the period and amplitude of the oscillation to be measured, whereby the controller can calculate the best PID settings.
Once the offline configuration is complete, it can be saved to disk for later uploading to a controller. This is useful for remote sites. Allowing modifications to existing configuration files to be made remotely offline. These files can then be emailed anywhere in the world to be uploaded to the modue on site.
Other Programs: OPC SERVER Available with the OPEN version of iTools, is an OPC Server. This powerful programmer allows SCADA packages to utilise OPC tags, which are far easier to implement that ModBus addressing, vastly reducing development time. Other Programs: OPC SERVER
As per the iTools program, modules on the network must be scanned for. The Open Version of Eurotherm’s iTools with the OPC Server includes all of Eurotherm’s iTools Standard version, plus the server, for the less than the cost of an OPC server from other vendors
Once the scan is complete, the parameters are available as simple TAGS that can be simply ‘dragged & dropped’ into SCADA packages such as Wonderware and CiTech. Thus eliminating the need for ModBus addressing.
Parameter data can be viewed by ‘double clicking’ on the required parameter.
The pop out window provides any all the TAG information as well as space for user additions. Custom TAGS can also be generated for third party modules.
iTools Remote Remote options Applications: REMOTE SITES Using iTools (and OPC Scope) to communicate with remote instruments i.e. not connected to a serial network attached to a COM port on the current PC Remote options ModBus serial via a modem connection ModBus TCP OPC over Microsoft DCOM Applications: REMOTE SITES
ModBus serial via a modem connection iTools RS232 RS232 RS232 to RS485 converter OPC Server ModBus serial - RS485
ModBus serial via modem - how to use Start the ModBus OPC server Right-click on the port, and select ‘Properties…’
ModBus serial via modem - how to use cont. Check ‘Enable Modem Support’ Set the remaining properties as required
ModBus serial via modem - when to use Remote diagnostics, perhaps to unmanned sites When the remote site has no computer or Internet connection
ModBus TCP to ModBus serial gateway e.g. Lantronix CoBox Ethernet ModBus TCP TCP/IP iTools ModBus TCP to ModBus serial gateway e.g. Lantronix CoBox OPC Server ModBus serial - RS485
ModBus TCP - when to use Remote connections via Internet smaller network overhead than DCOM works well over dial-up networking more likely to get through Firewalls When number of client connections will be small
ModBus TCP - how to use OPC server supports up to four simultaneous connections to ModBus TCP servers Configure through the iTools applet in the Windows Control Panel
OPC over Microsoft DCOM Ethernet TCP/IP OPC/DCOM iTools OPC Server Modbus serial - RS485
OPC over Microsoft DCOM - when to use Plant Ethernet connections (intranets) When OPC clients will run on more than one computer Not recommended for Windows 95, 98, Me Requires knowledge of Windows NT/2000 security
OPC over Microsoft DCOM - how to use Optionally start OPC server on the ‘remote’ computer Run iTools Remote on the ‘local’ computer Specify name or IP address of computer running OPC server
OPC over Microsoft DCOM - OPC Scope Specify name or IP address of the remote computer before connecting
Thank-you for you interest. If you have any questions please contact Eurotherm or visit