Asset Development: Bank On Asset Development & Vocational Rehabilitation 30-Second Training Series
TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A © 2013 What is Bank On?
TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A © 2013 What is Bank On and why would it matter in counseling and guidance? Bank On is an organization focused on growing assets through investing in new bank products. Since many clients of Vocational Rehabilitation need additional ways to make money it might be helpful to mention the program during counseling and guidance. A B Bank On programs negotiate with local banks and credit unions to reduce barriers to banking and increase access to the financial mainstream for low- income un- and under-banked people. They provide free or low-cost starter or “second chance” bank accounts and access to financial education. Many VR clients need information and support in order to be banked. Counseling and guidance is a great time to make them aware of how being banked can assist them and how Bank On can be a resource. C Select the best answer Bank On is a new computer game for financial investors to play with their clients. It has nothing to do with Vocational Rehabilitation or counseling and guidance.
TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A © 2013 Incorrect … Bank On is not an organization to invest in bank products. VRCs would not be advising clients to invest in products for additional revenue. Hey, what do you think I am, a financial advisor?
TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A © 2013 Incorrect… Bank On is not a software game!!
TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A © 2013 You are on the money! CORRECT! We need to assist VR clients in gaining access to basic financial services. Bank On addresses the widely-recognized challenge of financial access by ensuring there are products out there that meet consumers’ needs and by enabling consumers to use them safely and responsibly ked_a_review_of_household_and_community_characteristics To learn more, visit TACE's Asset Development Exchange TACE's Asset Development Exchange []
TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A © Your Feedback Your Feedback Help TACE continuously improve… Please take a moment to complete a brief user survey Your feedback on this 30-second training will greatly assist TACE in meeting your technical assistance and continuing education needs.
TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A © Southeast TACE Region IV Toll-free: (866) [voice/tty] Fax: (404) Web: MyTACE Portal:
TACE Center: Region IV, a project of the Burton Blatt Institute. Funded by RSA Grant # H264A © Disclaimer This presentation was developed by the TACE Center: Region IV ©2013 with funds from the U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) under the priority of Technical Assistance and Continuing Education Projects (TACE) – Grant #H264A However, the contents of this presentation do not necessarily represent the policy of the RSA and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government [34 CFR (b)].