Internet Safety Instruction Keeping Kids Safe Online
Who’s Online? Millions of children of all ages are flocking to the Internet and the number is growing every year. 45% of children in the United States use the Internet. More than 30 million Internet users are younger than 18More than 30 million Internet users are younger than 18
What are the Risks? Exposure to highly inappropriate, explicit or dangerous material Cyber bullying and stalking Predators
Solutions Filtering is required of districts receiving Federal E-Rate money Monitoring online and in-person activities Education –Parents –Teachers –Students
Required Education The Broadband Data Improvement Act (S1492), signed into law in October of 2008 (previously called the Protecting Children in the 21 st Century Act), states that if districts are receiving E-Rate funding they must “educate” students on Internet Safety. What curriculum districts use or how they deliver this curriculum is a local decision. Excellent free resources are available.
Tech Apps TEKS Adopted Technology Applications instructional materials for Grades K-12 include Internet Safety in the Foundations strand.
TEA Website The 80 th Legislature directed TEA to create a website with resources on Internet Safety for students, parents and educators. Schools are encouraged to take advantage of the free resources and curriculum. dex.html. dex.html
i-SAFE i-SAFE is a non-profit foundation whose mission is to educate and empower youth to make their Internet experiences safe and responsible. The goal is to educate students on how to avoid dangerous, inappropriate, or unlawful online behavior.
NetSmartz Workshop Educate. Engage. Empower. NetSmartz Workshop is an interactive, educational safety resource…that uses age-appropriate, 3-D activities to teach students how to stay safer on the Internet.activities
Internet Safety Districts should document how and when students were taught Internet Safety for auditing purposes. The law gives districts flexibility to decide how to expose students to the many aspects of being safe online. Districts do not have to purchase specific curriculum to comply with the law.
Questions? Contact Karin Horn