COMMISSIONING IS CHANGING! Feedback on the Deanerys annual Commissioning Visit process over recent years has demonstrated that it provides a comprehensive, constructive and useful process which highlights key issues and identifies areas of concern with regard to postgraduate medical education and training that need to be addressed. Despite this positive feedback, the process now requires further revision to ensure that it is fit for purpose in light of reconfiguration in NHS Wales, to ensure that it incorporates the Deanerys Quality Management Framework and its component processes and to ensure that it reflects developing links between secondary care and primary care. Further information regarding the revised Commissioning Visit process will be provided in due course. If you require any additional information in the meantime, please THE DEANERY NEWS THE WORLDS FAVOURITE NEWSPAPER - Since 1879
The Case for Change (1) Visits need to reflect evaluation and external QA findings - Agenda too broad to cover in single meeting - Action Planning Meetings large and unwieldy following Health Board mergers
The Case for Change (2) Visits need to be fit for purpose Reflecting… - Development of Deanerys QMF and QC processes - Need for compliance with Standards for Trainers and development of local faculty - Need for increased financial monitoring
The Case for Change (3) Visits need to fit with other QC processes - National Trainee Survey findings to be published in September - Annual Specialty Reports received too late in previous years to feed into Quality Control Reports
The Way Forward - Focus A process focused on three areas: Exception Reporting Educational Governance Financial Accountability recognise good practice/escalate lack of progress or failure of engagement
The Way Forward - Model Pre-Commissioning Review Commissioning Meeting Finance Postgraduate Centre Library Late 2010/Early 2011 Late Spring/Summer 2011 escalate to Per Trust/Health Board… inform determine agenda for
Finance QC Inputs Health Boards annual financial reporting on Deanery financial allocation for postgraduate support Vacancy matrix for training grade posts Information on training remodellling Process Meeting between Deanery and Health Board Finance Directors Outputs Distillation of issues for escalation to Commissioning meeting
PG Centre QC Inputs QC data from monitoring log/some self-assessment Process Meeting between Deanery team and PGOs, PGCMs, FPDs etc Outputs Verification of QC data Distillation of issues for escalation Development of local faculty structures Voice for key players in training management and delivery
Library QC ?
LQAF in Wales: The right time? Publication of the NHS England LQAF in April 2010 Revised Deanery visits Support structure in the Wales Deanery
NHS Library Quality Assurance Framework (LQAF) England Issued April 2010 by SHALL – SHA Library Leads Tool to enable i) a robust quality assessment of libraries ii) continuous improvement of services Designed for an organisation to assess its level of compliance with national standards & show fitness for purpose in 21st century health system Clear focus for action planning offering clarity of direction for service managers and transparency of development to meet business and client need
What does the LQAF address? Standards are set in 5 domains Strategic management Finance and service level agreements Human resources and staff management Infrastructures and facilities Service delivery and development 6th being planned on knowledge management
How will it be used in NHS England? Using the Standards assessment tool libraries are asked to complete an annual audit enabling managers to identify gaps in their service management and provision and to produce an action plan In addition service managers will be asked to identify examples of innovation – something that makes a positive difference to their service Results of self assessment and any nominations for innovation will be returned to the SHA Library lead who will collate, assess and feed results to the national LQAF Moderating Board Outcomes should provide information of national trends, patterns of service delivery and service forecasts
LQAF in Wales - why? For all the previous reasons and particularly as a tool to develop services in the new health board library services Recommendation in the Health Libraries Review Benchmarking across Wales and with NHS England Accountability Talking about it for years as a good thing!
Assessment structure in Wales – the way forward Use existing reporting mechanisms: Self assessment & user survey results Submit to Deans Library Advisor and QA/PGES unit Deanery pre-commissioning visit to discuss issues and action plans & feed into top level meeting if necessary Possibly feed in to NHS England LQAF Moderating Board Innovation – Deanery BEST type award?
Questions: Do you see any problems with introducing the LQAF? What sort of support do you need to do this from the Deanery? Time scales – when do you think you could realistically have completed the baseline self assessment – December/January? Any issues that need clarification? Any other comments?
In your groups, think about… What do you want to get out of a library Pre-Commissioning Review meeting? From the Deanery? From Health Board senior management? From colleagues? Please discuss and note your feedback on the sheet provided.
In your groups, think about… What should our Pre-Commissioning Review meeting for libraries look like? What format should it take? Who should be involved? What are the inputs and outputs? Please discuss and note your feedback on the sheet provided.