Is there more to RISK MANAGEMENT than PRAYER?
David Ellison ACII Insurance Account Executive Kingdom Bank
Role of the Risk Manager Tools for the Risk Manager Risk takers for the Kingdom
Role of the Risk Manager To identify and manage the exposure to risk Risk averse or Risk taker? Holistic risks
Role of the Risk Manager Evaluation of Risk What is the Likelihood? What is the anticipated Severity?
Evaluation Likelihood Severity
Tools of the Risk Manager Prayer Insurance Risk Assessments Legislation Leaders and Trustees Internet
Tools - Insurance Wasted premiums! Effects of under-insurance Unoccupied premises Limits of indemnity Non disclosure
Insurance Wasted premiums? Review of All Risks schedule Compliance with policy conditions
Insurance Under insurance What is the estimated rebuild of this church?
Insurance £ 100,000 £ 500,000 £ 800,000 £1,300,000 £1,800,000 What is the estimated rebuild of this church?
Insurance £ 100,000 £ 500,000 £ 800,000 £1,300,000 £1,800,000 What is the estimated rebuild of this church?
Insurance Rebuild £1.3M Sum Insured £800,000 69% 31% SELF INSURED
Insurance Claim £50,000 £500 excess Insurer £34,115 £15,885 SELF INSURED
Insurance Unoccupied properties Not attractive to insurers! Tell a good story Restricted cover (FLEA) High cost Policy conditions
Insurance Limits of indemnity How long is a piece of string? Employers Liability Public Liability Professional Indemnity Trustees Indemnity
Insurance Non disclosure A Material Fact has been defined as “any fact that may influence the judgement of a prudent insurer in deciding whether to accept a risk and if so, on what terms and conditions and at what premium level.” Inception Mid Term Renewal
Tools – Risk Assessments Consider “harmed” as not just injury Eg financial losses to the church
Tools – Legislation Guidance
Tools – Internet Health & Safety Executive Insurers – Ansvar Insurance – Baptist Insurance – Congregational & General ( – Ecclesiastical Insurance – Methodist Insurance
Risk Takers “……. I hope that we will be adventurous, take more risks and above all, be Kingdom possibility thinkers!” Rev Lynn Green General Secretary, BUGB
Is there more to RISK MANAGEMENT than PRAYER?