Saturn’s Moon Titan Celeste Banda
History of Titan Titan was discovered on March 25, Christiaan Huygens discovered and named it Saturni Luna. It was given its current name by John Herschel.
About Titan Titan is the 2 nd largest moon in the Solar System. It was the first of Saturn’s moons to be discovered. Titan is perhaps the most Earth-like place in the Solar System. Titan is larger than the planet Mercury.
Atmosphere Titan has an atmosphere. It is the only known moon to have one. It is mainly made up of nitrogen. Like Earth, it is dominated by seasonal weather patterns.
Diagram of Titan
Cassini-Huygens Launched October 15, 1997 and the Huygens probe eventually separated and landed on Titan on January 14, Has shown that the environment looks somewhat like what is thought primordial Earth looked like.
Future Conditions could become more habitable. When the Sun becomes a red giant, temperatures on Titan will increase which can create an environment suitable for life to exist. A Titan Mare Explorer (TiME) has been proposed and would be able to launch in 2015.