GenNext in the Workplace Step-by-Step Starter Kit
2 GenNext Cabinet Structure………………………………3 Planning & Goal Setting …………………………………4 Creating a Calendar ……………………………………...5 Engaging GenNexters …………………………………...6 Successful GenNext Cabinet Tactics …………………11 Events – Plan, Host, Participate & Promote …………12 GenNext Leadership ……………………………………18 Additional Information and Resources ………………..24 First Time Donor Credit Helpful Resources Tool Kit Contents
3 GenNext Co-Chairs Events Co-Chairs Donation Co-Chairs Volunteer Co-Chairs Distribution Co-Chairs Communications Co-Chairs Project Coordinators Executive Sponsor Step1: Create a Corporate GenNext Cabinet Corporate Campaign Chairs Many alternative cabinet structures exist and are effective.
4 Low Level of Donations High Low Level of Engagement High High Awareness Volunteer Focused Participation Inactive Low Participation Low Donations Donor Low Participation, but does Donate High Engagement United Way is Charity of Choice (Volunteering & Donating) Current GenNexters Year 3 GenNexters Year 2 GenNexters LONG TERM GOALS Increase GenNext employees knowledge about UW Make a strong network of GenNexters across your company Encourage GenNext employees to contribute to the annual UW campaign. Step 2: Make a Plan
5 Step 3: Create your Year 1 Calendar Keep it simple!!! Co-ordinate with Corporate Campaign Stick to general times, but be flexible Every campaign will be different See ‘Resources’ for Excel and PPT templates for you to download
6 Key Activities and Milestones March Marketing Information Gathering Event Events Administration Core Team MeetingCR Activity JanuaryFebruary 1. Evaluate interests and insight for future events 2. Obtain feedback/comments on past events 3. End of Year – Survey Monkey to GenNext membership distribution Achilles 5K Run 1. Re-elect Cabinet Members 2. Re-elect Support Committee SAMPLE CALENDAR
7 Key Activities and Milestones June Marketing Information Gathering Event Events Administration Core Team MeetingCR Activity AprilMay 1. Initiate marketing effort for GenNext and Day of Caring by leveraging Corporate Campaign marketing channels 2. Investigate venues for Kick-Off event. 3. Executive guest speaker to be invited. 4. Agency Speaker to be invited. 1. Cabinets to leverage networks to bring in GenNext members across corporation 2. Evaluate venues to host Kick-Off Cabinet Day of Caring 1. Finalise GenNext Cabinet 2. Obtain leadership buy-in from Executive Level Recruit ambassadors using personal networks Ongoing interaction of UW Corporate Campaign with Co-Chairs, Co-Chairs with Cabinet 1.Scotia Bank Rat Race 2. Kick-Off Event SAMPLE CALENDAR
8 Key Activities and Milestones September Marketing Information Gathering Event Events Administration Core Team MeetingCR Activity JulyAugust 1. Evaluate interests and insights for future events 2. Obtain feedback/comments on past event 1. Ambassadors to increase volunteer count by engaging existing volunteer opportunities 2. Looks to create simple intranet website to include GenNext section 3. Create generic inbox Volunteer Event/Day of Caring Partner with United Way Workplace Campaign to develop strategies for GenNext involvement in campaign Ongoing interaction of UW Corporate Campaign with Co-Chairs, Co-Chairs with Cabinet, Cabinet with GenNext members Networking Event SAMPLE CALENDAR
9 Key Activities and Milestones December Marketing Information Gathering Event Events Administration Core Team MeetingCR Activity OctoberNovember United Way Campaign Note: Corporate Campaigns run at various times 2014 Planning 1. Evaluate interests and insights for future events 2. Obtain feedback/comments on past event 1. Ambassadors to further increase volunteer count. 2. More Days of Caring - Channel through your website each month 3. Investigate venues for pre-mixing event - raise __ $ as part of pre-mixing. 4. Executive guest speaker to be invited. Ongoing interaction of UW Corporate Campaign with Co-Chairs, Co-Chairs with Cabinet, Cabinet with GenNext members Enbridge CN Tower Climb Networking Event SAMPLE CALENDAR
10 Step 4: Begin Engaging GenNexters Let them Walk The Walk GenNexters like to be hands-on and participate in community volunteering that lets them add visible value to their community (i.e. working at a soup kitchen) Key Tactic: Volunteer Connections Show them The Money GenNexters are concerned about where their donations go. Showing them how their money can help and how it will be used creates confidence in their choice to donate Key Tactic: Donation Clarity (i.e.Tax Benefits) and Communicate ‘real’ examples (i.e. Impact Statements and Communication Frameworks) Let them Talk the Talk GenNexters want a return on their time. Leveraging new media and social networking channels is critical to raising awareness with tech savvy GenNexters Key Tactic: Social Media and Networking Events
11 Step 5: Learn from other Cabinets Key Success Tactics Executive Support and Sponsorship Partner with Corporate Campaign Leadership Promote Volunteerism as a core method for engagement Efficient Communications (newsletter schedule, generic box, social media, Eventbrite) - Never misuse the mailing list! Effective Marketing with Consistent Messaging Involve Enthusiastic Volunteers to help drive Individual Accountability Set Annual Agendas to allow for GenNexters’ to schedule Quality of Events rather then Quantity of Events Make it Fun (be creative and keep costs low if possible)
12 Plan Community-Based Events United Way member agency tours Community ‘Day of Caring’ Reverse ‘Day of Caring’ or ‘Day on Bay’ Outcome: GenNexters will become educated and involved in their community Host Corporate Social Events Campaign Kick-off and Wrap-up Customized Corporate ‘Day of Caring’ Sports Competitions and Events (i.e. baseball, soccer, etc.) Auctions, Raffles, Draws Be Creative!!! Outcome: GenNexters will become more engaged in the company and campaign Step 6: Plan, Host, Participate & Promote Events United Way staff are on hand to support the development and execution of your activities
13 Step 6: Plan, Host, Participate & Promote Events Participate in United Way Events Scotiabank Rat Race GenNext Mix & Mingle GenNext Ambassador Training Enbridge CN Tower Climb Rouge Outcome: GenNexters will have fun and network with other GenNexters Promote ALL Events: Communication Tactics ‘Like’/’Tweet’ and Share via Social Media Send ‘Save-The-Date’ Invites ( min. 3 weeks in advance and follow up personally) Obtain Executive Support Post Intranet Messages /Circulate Newsletters Create Fun Marketing (i.e. pdf posters, common space/elevator advertising, etc.) Outcome: GenNexters will be informed of all upcoming events
16 Jason cleaned the couch in the KPMG Lunchroom… SAMPLE INTERNAL ADVERTISING
18 Step 7: Introduce Leadership What are GenNext Leaders? People in their 20’s and 30’s who make an annual contribution of $1,000 or more to United Way Toronto Why GenNext Leaders? Leaders told us via surveys, focus groups and interviews Leaders have options and they have picked United Way over other charity/umbrella organizations Leaders belong to a wide demographic, they are at different life stages, and their needs aren’t alike Leaders want exclusive access to ‘extras’ that are reserved just for them
19 My 3C’s: The three-prong ‘pick & mix’ approach Offer quality corporate networking and career development opportunities for Leaders. Work with corporate GenNext cabinets and the Ambassador Network Officers on the United Way GenNext cabinet. MY COMPANY Create higher-level community involvement and volunteering opportunities for Leaders. Partner with United Way of Toronto agencies and the Community & Engagement, Engagement Officers on the United Way GenNext cabinet. MY COMMUNITY Organize exclusive social events and opportunities for Leaders to expand their circles. Collaborate with other groups in the city that target super-donors/supporters in the young professionals’ age bracket. MY CIRCLE Step 7: Introduce Leadership Exclusive opportunities, no matter what our individual Leaders’ priorities.
20 Did You Know?
21 First-Time Donor Super Credit (FTDC) The FTDC is applicable to any first time single cash donation of up to $1000 made by an individual or couple between now and 2017 Donations up to $200 receive a 40% tax credit and donations between $201 - $1000 receive a 54% tax credit For more information check out: Make charitable giving even more rewarding!
22 Impact Statements Communication Framework Handbook (Details to come!) Calendar Tax Benefits Best Practices (Details to come!) Mature Cabinet Case Studies GenNext Resources - Documents
23 United Way Website GenNext Newsletter Corporate Campaign Toolkit ( videos, materials, etc.) GenNext Resources - Links
24 Us: Dana Stanescu – GenNext Manager phone: ex. 334 fax: GenNext Resources - Contacts