Swastika Over Norway. Why Norway Germany needed bases Wanted coastline for submarine bases Needed to beat Britain to it.


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Presentation transcript:

Swastika Over Norway

Why Norway Germany needed bases Wanted coastline for submarine bases Needed to beat Britain to it.

Norway Britain had no intention of violating Norway’s neutrality Hitler did not respect neutrality- “might makes right”

Altmark Affair Altmark, a German ship, had taken British prisoners. Altmark was in Norweigian waters when sited by British ship, Cossack Hitler considered this a violation of Norwegian neutrality

Germany Invades Norway The invasion came without warning Denmark, which was included as a victim, fell in almost 24 Norway did put up some resistance and caused the Germans to suffer heavy naval losses, which would handicap them later

Fall of Norway Vidkun Quisling proclaimed himself Prime Minister of Norway

Assault on the Low Countries May 10, Nazis cross neutral borders of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxumberg Says he is protecting them from an invasion planned by Great Britain and France

Change in British Government Chamberlain resigns as Prime Minister of Britain Winston Churchill is the new Prime Minister “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat”

Change In British Government Churchill brought a policy of victory Parliament voted unanimously

Overtaking the Netherlands Germans mass bomb Rotterdam even though negotiations for surrender were under way After defeat came oppression

Disaster in Belgium Nazi swept through Belgium at the same moment they struck Holland. Britain and France send troops Germans tanks break through the Ardennes Forest. King Leopold III of Belgium surrenders

Disaster in Belgium German panzers push Allied forces to the North Allies retreat to the one remaining port at Dunkirk

Dunkirk Called Operation Dynamo British Royal Air Force (RAF) kept the Luftwaffe fighting for days Every available English ship was used in the evacuation Civilian ships Yachts Fishing boats

Why Dunkirk Was Successful German bombing of troops did little damage Bad weather grounded the Luftwaffe part of the time Supreme effort of the RAF to win superiority in the sky over the evacuation area Hitler gives order to halt his panzers short of Dunkirk

The Debacle of France While men were evacuating from Dunkirk, France was falling It was as though France had lost the power to resist. They scattered their tanks instead of massing them.

The Debacle of France One French officer who committed suicide wrote: “I am killing myself, Mr. Premier, to let you know that all my men were brave, but one cannot send men to fight tanks with rifles.”

Italy Enters the War Just when France is almost defeated, Mussolini declares war on France and Italy They invade southern France French Government fled to Tours Charles DeGuall, a colonel, seemed to be the only French leader that did not have a spirit of defeat.

The Fall of France June 14, Germans enter Paris and find a deserted city June 17 th - Marshal Petain announces “It is with heavy heart that I say we must cease the fight.” June 21- Adolf Hitler arrives in Compiegne

The Fall of France France was cut in two North occupied by Germany South run by Marshall Petain with a capital at Vichy- called the Vichy government Germany now looks towards England.