MIS First Class 發給課程大綱 科代、電話、 e-mail – 點名、製作點名單 – 分為九組、 分組名單 – 座位表 你對於 MIS 的看法?請說!請問! Show and Tell! 愛現就會贏!


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MIS First Class 老師:周宇超 ( 研究室: SL412 ,電話 ) ) 課代:╴╴╴╴╴電話:╴╴╴ :╴╴╴ 責任:點名、分工等 課程大綱 綜合分組,座位表 你對於 MIS 的看法?請說!請問!
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Case Study for Information Management 資訊管理個案
Case Study for Information Management 資訊管理個案
Case Study for Information Management 資訊管理個案
Presentation transcript:

MIS First Class 發給課程大綱 科代、電話、 – 點名、製作點名單 – 分為九組、 分組名單 – 座位表 你對於 MIS 的看法?請說!請問! Show and Tell! 愛現就會贏!

Valuable Class Contribution (include but are not limited to:) synthesizing ideas and offering logical conclusions building on a stream of thought (mine or another student’s) challenging a perspective, politely but firmly (mine or another student’s) taking a leadership role in a discussion moving the discussion into unexplored but meaningful areas developing creative alternatives drawing on related ideas from another course bringing in relevant ideas from your personal experience or from current events summarizing key learning points

課程大綱 目 標: 自『管理者』的角度,認識企業組織系統與資訊系統的關連,瞭解資訊科技內 容與發展趨勢,熟悉資訊管理理論基礎及實務運作,強調資訊管理應以發掘問題及解決 問題為出發點,而以創新產品或服務,增加企業價值,強韌國際競爭力為學習目標。 This course is based on the premise that information systems knowledge is essential for creating competitive firms, managing global corporations, adding business value, and providing useful products and services to customers. The primary goal of this course is to offer an introduction to major enterprise applications and information technologies that are being used for achieving digital integration and enhancing global organization performance. It also calls attention to the need to demonstrate the business value of information system in the organization and provides students with additional projects for hands-on problem-solving 教科書: Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane Price Laudon, Essentials of Business Information Systems, 9th Ed., 2011 成績計算: –Group: Hands-On MIS Assignment ……………… 15% Final Project ……………………………… 20% Case Study ……………………… ……… 15% –Individual: Mid-Term and Final Exam. ………… 50% – 扣分標準:缺課一節扣總分 8 分;缺課二節扣總分 16 分; 缺課三節扣總分 32 分;遲到 25 分鐘,該節課計為缺課。 – 同儕互評表 課程進度

Focus How do we gain and sustain STRATEGIC BENEFITS from information systems? How does information technology CHANGE the way the organization operates? How do we MANAGE information technology and information systems?

Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane Price Laudon Essentials of Business Information Systems Pearson Prentice Hall, 9th Edition, 2011 Part I: Information Systems in the Digital Age Part II: Information Technology Infrastructure Part III: Key System Applications for the Digital Age Part IV: Building and Managing Systems

Table of Contents Part I: Business Information Systems in Your Career Ch 1: Business Information Systems in Your Career Ch 2: Global E-Business and Collaboration Ch 3: Achieving Competitive Advantage with Information Systems Part II: Information Technology Infrastructure Ch 4: IT Infrastructure: Hardware and Software Ch 5: Foundations of Business Intelligence: Databases and Information Management Ch 6: Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology Ch 7: Securing Information Systems Part III: Key System Applications for the Digital Age Ch 8: Achieving Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy: Enterprise Application s Ch 9: E-Commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods Ch 10: Improving Decision Making and Managing Knowledge Part IV: Building and Managing Systems Ch 11: Building Information Systems and Managing Projects Ch 12: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems

Preface Information Technology and Systems → Corporate Objectives –Operational excellence –New products/services –Customer and supplier intimacy –Improved decision making by all employees –Competitive advantage –Survival New world of business: –Doing business: revenues generated and products/services received –Managing business: managers → customers, suppliers, employees, make accurate and timely decisions with nearly instant information Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Perspective –Four-step problem-solving method (P. xxi) –Integrated Framework for describing and analyzing information systems Digital Portfolio –Business Application Skills –Internet Skills –Analytical, Writing and Presentation Skills

Chapter Organization p17 Opening Case Diagram Learning Objectives Interactive Session – Organization, People, Technology Hands-On MIS Projects Learning Tracks Chapter Review Summary Key Terms Review Questions Discussion Questions Video Cases Collaboration and Teamwork Project

Collaborating and Teamwork Creating a Web Site for Team Collaboration (p58) Describing Management Decisions and Systems (p98)

Business Problem-Solving Case Ch 1: What’s the Buzz on Smart Grids? (p59) Ch 2: Modernization of NTUC Income Ch 3: Ch 4: Ch 5: Ch 6: Ch 7: Ch 8: Ch 9: Ch 10: Ch 11: Ch 12:

What’s New in MIS Continuous Change in Technology, Management, and Business Process Continuous Stream of Information Technology (IT). Innovations is transforming the Traditional Business World This Innovations enabling Entrepreneurs and innovative traditional firms to create new products and services, develop new business models, and transform the day-to-day conduct process E-commerce is changing how firm design, produce, and deliver their products and services Enterprise-wide information systems with rich data → online, nearly instant Communication, Collaboration, and Information Sharing → for accurate and timely decisions

Business Problem Description & Analysis Diagram (p17) People Technology Organization Information Systems Business Solutions Business Challenges

Four-step problem-solving method Implementation Solution Design Solution Evaluation and Choice Problem Identification

How to Analyze a Case Study Immersing ourselves in a real-world business scenario, act as problem-solvers and decision-makers. Cases have questions or do not have questions.

How to Analyze a Case Study – act as problem-solvers and decision-makers Identify the most important facts surrounding the case Identify the key issue or issues. Specify alternative courses of action. Evaluate each course of action. Recommend the best course of action.

Ideal Business Integrated Information System