Business Academy of D. Skutecký 8, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia The school project
is the educational programme of the European Union The aim : a support of the international co-operation between the participating countries the participating countries projects mobilities
The participating countries The countries of the European Union:The countries of the European Union: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, The Netherlands, Ireland, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Austria, Great Britain, Cyprus, The Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Malta, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, The Slovak Republic, Slovenia The countries of economic field (cooperation):The countries of economic field (cooperation): Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway The candidate countries:The candidate countries: Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey
All the aims of the Socrates programme are organized and arranged by means of the following subprograms: Comenius Erasmus Grundtvig Lingua Minerva Research and innovations Common acivities Additional activities
Comenius subprogram of the school education The objestives: to improve the quality and to enhance the European dimension of school educationto improve the quality and to enhance the European dimension of school education to support co-operation of schoolsto support co-operation of schools to support professional development of teachersto support professional development of teachers to support learning and teaching languagesto support learning and teaching languages to support intercultural awarenessto support intercultural awareness
The aims of the Comenius subprogram are implemented and organized in three parts 1. Partnerships of schoolsComenius 1 2. Further educationComenius 2 3. Creating of netsComenius 3
Comenius 1 the partnerships of schools The support of three types of partnerships: school projectsComenius projectsComenius 1.1. language projectsComenius 1.2.language projectsComenius 1.2. project for school development Comenius 1.3.project for school development Comenius 1.3.
Comenius 1.1. The school projets The objectives: to share informationto share information to develop partnerships among schoolsto develop partnerships among schools to improve knowledge of individual European nationsto improve knowledge of individual European nationsResults: students´works: brochures, magazines,books, calendars, web-sites, multimedial materials,...
Socrates Comenius Comenius 1 Comenius Comenius Comenius Comenius 2Comenius 3 Erasmus, Grundtvig, programme subprogram parts types
The project team – the teachers Viera Vongreyová Elena Maslíková Mária Erneková headteacher Iveta Jagošová deputy head Marcela Hudecová Edita Masná Viera Chovancová
The project team of the students Žofia Martin Michaela Lucia Marek Petra Linda Lucia Katarína Monika Petra Marek
The preparatory visit - Bűhl (Germany) 12 January – 16 January 2005 Finland:2 teachersFinland:2 teachers Germany:3 teachersGermany:3 teachers Slovakia:2 teachersSlovakia:2 teachers The Greek school withdrew from the projectThe Greek school withdrew from the project
The objectives of the visit to get acquainted with partnership schools to agree on the project theme to fill in the application forms to work out the action plan for the first year of project activity (school year 2005/2006) to discuss and agree on the intentions for the following years
The first business meeting – Kitee (Finland) 24 October – 28 October 2006 Finland: 4 teachers 3 studentsFinland: 4 teachers 3 students Germany: 3 teachers 6 studentsGermany: 3 teachers 6 students Slovakia: 2 teachersSlovakia: 2 teachers
The objectives of the meeting to evaluate the activities of the participating countriesto evaluate the activities of the participating countries to work out the plan and to share the project work with the partners for the first and second project yearsto work out the plan and to share the project work with the partners for the first and second project years to fill in the application form together - prolonging the project Comenius 1.1. (2006/2007)to fill in the application form together - prolonging the project Comenius 1.1. (2006/2007)
The 2nd business meeting – Bűhl (Germany) 20 March – 25 March 2006 Finland: 4 teachers 3 studentsFinland: 4 teachers 3 students Germany:3 teachers 4 studentsGermany:3 teachers 4 students Slovakia: 2 teachers 4 studentsSlovakia: 2 teachers 4 students Italy : 2 teachersItaly : 2 teachers
The objectives of the meeting to improve English language competenceto improve English language competence to use English as a means of mutual communicationto use English as a means of mutual communication to discuss the achieved results of project workto discuss the achieved results of project work –conditions for the project work in the particular schools –forms of the project promotion –the presention of the film about the business meeting in Finland (Germany) –the presentation of the video-film about the simulation of the job interview (Finland) –the presentation of the role plays simulating job interviews (the students of the project teams) to assess, discuss and complete the facts about the project work for the website being prepared by Finlandto assess, discuss and complete the facts about the project work for the website being prepared by Finland
Tasks for the first project year describe and compare the professions of the particular schools involved in the project work out the examples of CV and job application work out questionnaire about the work conditions in multicultural companies in the countries involved in the project prepare the job documents required in the countries of the EU to be published in the handbook prepare the 3rd business meeting in Banská Bystrica (9 October – 14 October) 6.Italy, a new member of the project, to be involved in the work
Excursions a visit to the vocational school Elly –Heuss Knapp (Bűhl)a visit to the vocational school Elly –Heuss Knapp (Bűhl) a visit to Juvena, the company producing cosmetic products (Baden Baden)a visit to Juvena, the company producing cosmetic products (Baden Baden)
a visit to KABA, the company producing security mechanisms (Bűhl)a visit to KABA, the company producing security mechanisms (Bűhl) a visit to the European Parliament (Strasbourg)a visit to the European Parliament (Strasbourg) Excursions
a visit to the Museum of modern art (Karlsruhe)a visit to the Museum of modern art (Karlsruhe) a visit to the Employment agency (Rastatt)a visit to the Employment agency (Rastatt) Excursions