Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) Miami-Dade County Public Schools NNAT Workshop March 26, 28, & 29, 2007
NNAT Description The NNAT is a brief, culture-fair, nonverbal measure of ability. NNAT items assess ability without requiring the student to read, write, or speak. NNAT uses abstract figural designs and does not rely on verbal skills or achievement.
Use NNAT to... Measure ability without verbal content Measure ability without speed requirement Measure ability without motor requirement For unbiased assessment Identify gifted minority children Evaluate students with hearing impairment
Advantages of NNAT Culturally fair content All nonverbal items Universal content No reading required Items do not measure achievement Little motor skills required Excellent psychometric qualities Administered in 30 minutes
NNAT Structure & Development
Structure of NNAT Seven levels 38 items per level Items selected based on item difficulty correlation to total test bias analyses fit statistics LevelGrades AK B1 C2 D3 & 4 E5 & 6 F7 - 9 G
NNAT Development Each level overlaps with adjacent ones Each level tailored to a specific age Each level has excellent floor and ceiling Each level has several types of items
Progressive Matrix Structure Every part of the matrix must be related to every other Rows and columns must be combined The child integrates stimuli into groups and sees them as a whole ? ?
NNAT Item Clusters NNAT item types identified from past research (J. Carlson & C. Jensen, 1980; J. Naglieri & W. Insko, 1986) The NNAT has the following item types: Pattern Completion Reasoning by Analogy Serial Reasoning Spatial Visualization Note: These are NOT different types of intelligence
NNAT Levels and Clusters LevelPCRASRSV AYesYes - - BYesYesYes - CYesYesYesYes DYesYesYesYes E YesYesYesYes F - YesYesYes G -YesYesYes
Pattern Completion ? ?
Reasoning by Analogy ? ?
Serial Reasoning ?
Spatial Visualization ?
NNAT Sample Items
? Sample
2 ? 12345
? 4
? 5
NNAT Scores
Score Types & Definitions Raw Score: The number of items answered correctly Scaled Score: A statistical conversion of the raw score that allows comparison of scores across levels Nonverbal Ability Index (NAI): A normalized, standard score Percentile Rank: Indicates the relative standing of a student in comparison with other students of the same age or grade Stanine: A normalized, standard score with a range of 1 to 9 Performance Category: An indicator of student performance on the overall test or a cluster
Summary of NNAT Scoring Raw Scores are converted to scaled scores BY LEVEL Scaled scores are converted to NAI Scores BY AGE (in 1/4 year intervals) Percentiles and Stanines are provided for Scaled Scores and NAI Scores Age Equivalents are given for Scaled Scores
NNAT Reliability & Validity
NNAT Standardization Sample of 89,600 children Grades K - 12 Similar to the US sample according to: Geographic Region Socioeconomic Status Urban/Suburban Ethnicity Type of School
NNAT Internal Reliability LevelReliabilityN A B.841,649 C.822,256 D.85 4,671 E.87 4,633 F.876,132 G.872,329
NNAT Conclusions NNAT is a culture-fair, language-free measure of ability NNAT has excellent reliability and validity Brief administration time (30 minutes) Uses nonverbal items without achievement Normed on a large sample of children Accurate identification rates for gifted children