National Experimentation PERSPEKTIVwechsel – Institut für Bildung und Beratung / Wuppertal, Germany PERSPEKTIVwechsel is a german NGO founded in 1999, providing trainings, counselling/ consultancy and project development. Our main interest is to create effective situations for personal development, professional human resource development and organizational development in the social field and the field of vocational education and training. © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper
National Experimentation 2 Training Sessions (each two days / 14 hours) open training advertised by flyers & buzz marketing 5 coordinators from day-care schools, 2 educators from kindergartens 6 female, 1 male participants aged between 24 and 46 Inhouse-training at the “Hexenhaus”, a center for women consulting 10 staff members with a focus on public relation 9 female, 1 male participants aged between 30 and 52 © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper
National Experimentation Their previous media knowledge good routine in working with a PC, common applications, internet navigation including knowledge in producing media was low: only one participant had experiences in producing video and audio files all knew about social media platforms such as Facebook, but only one of the participants was an active user all had concerns about data security and were sensible considering the aspect of publication © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper
National Experimentation Learning objectives participants shall learn how to produce various kinds of media (audio / video / photo / blog) participants shall produce at least one media product participants shall be able to experience the fields in which social media could be useful in terms of stimulating their professional community participants shall experience an improvement of soft skills © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper
National Experimentation The course of action of the training consists of four main modules Part 1: Introduction to Community Reporting Part 2: Audio / Polls on the street Part 3: Conception, Production and Editing of a video-clip Part 4: Introduction to Blogging with Wordpress © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper
National Experimentation What are we working with? © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper
National Experimentation How does it look like? © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper
National Experimentation Outputs from the Trainings so far 6 videoclips 7 audioclips 3 temporary blogs various photos and graphics Have a look at © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper
National Experimentation The lesson is clear... ISABEL-participants improve their technical skills by creating media products The focus on media which is easy to handle gave enough space to try things out and to learn by doing The participants have the possibility to define the learning speed and the topics of their own UGC The learning context has to be set in a relaxing and stimulating atmosphere not only to let new personal relations emerge ISABEL increases the empowerment and improves individual soft skills ISABEL sharpens the awareness concerning the participatory possibilities a community reporter has and that it makes fun at the same time Active citizenship means to get in touch with local communities © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper
National Experimentation Feedback from the participants “After visiting the training I have started to conceive a video-training for my community as well as dealing privately with social media now. It makes a lot of fun and I am happy to have passed former barriers.” “The information and materials given were well defined, it was a very nice learning atmosphere.” “I definitely want to take part in a further going ISABEL training session.” © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper
National Experimentation Cascading Process One participant transfers ISABEL to her Day-care-pupils. Together they produce videos to inform parents about the institution and its offers Another one builds up a local project team “The Reporter”, purchases equipment und amends the CR-idea to their individual needs At the “Hexenhaus” staff members conceive media-based empowerment training-units for their clients © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper
National Experimentation Thank you! Bodo Köpper PERSPEKTIVwechsel – Institut für Bildung und Beratung Hofaue Wuppertal GERMANY Phone Fax © PERSPEKTIVwechsel / Bodo Köpper