Tour of Ellis Island
Introduction We have been reading stories from the Theme: American Stories. These stories have helped us learn that many people who live in America came from other countries and have very different backgrounds. Today you will take a Tour of Ellis Island, a place immigrants had to pass through before coming to America from 1892-1954. After you finish the tour, you will put yourself in the shoes of an immigrant passing through Ellis Island and write a journal entry about your experience.
Step 1: Take a Tour of Ellis Island Visit this website to take a tour of Ellis Island. While you are on the tour pay attention to what people must do as they go through Ellis Island and think about how you would feel if you were an immigrant passing through Ellis Island.
Step 2: Write a Journal Entry Now that you have visited Ellis Island, you task is write a journal entry as though you are an immigrant passing through Ellis Island. Think about these questions as you write: What does Ellis Island look like? What happens to you while you are there? How are you feeling as you go through Ellis Island? Are you being treated fairly? Who have you met along the way?
Step 2: Write a Journal Entry After you have thought about what you will write, click here to open the File~ Journal Entry Page. Type your journal entry and be prepared to share it with the class. Pay attention to spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Also, always reread your work to be sure that it makes sense.
Follow Up Visit this website to learn about three children who are recent immigrants.