Welcome! Quarterly Professional Staff Meeting August 26, 2004
We Can’t Spell Success without “U” A Few Core Beliefs from Kelly Smith
S U C C E S S Students come first. Look at everything you do through this lens, regardless of your job in the District. Work to improve the development (intellectual, emotional, physical), well-being, safety and success of children, enabling them to reach their fullest potential.
S U C C E S S Urgency All high performance teams feel a sense of urgency to successfully accomplish the task or project at hand. Be responsive and proactive regarding needs, questions and concerns. This is NOT the same thing as short-changing planning and requirements in order to rush the job just so we can “check it off.”
S U C C E S S Communication & Conversation Between groups Within groups Dispel misperceptions. Clarify processes and procedures. Eliminate confusion. Look for opportunities. Listen with two ears.
S U C C E S S Collaboration & Collegiality People quite people before they quit jobs. Make a genuine commitment to “fill each others buckets” – motivate, encourage, positive attitude, recognition - to facilitate effective working relationships. Stay positive and fix the problem together instead of finding who to blame.
S U C C E S S Enthusiasm There may be eye-rollers, heavy-sighers and nay-sayers. Get over it. Don’t let them stop you from doing the right thing with passion and enthusiasm. If you want the rainbow, you have to sometimes put up with the rain on your parade.
S U C C E S S Stay in tune. Keep your “ear to the ground” and your eyes open. Get out of your comfort zone. Walk in other people’s shoes, see things from others’ perspectives in order to improve quality of service for everyone.
S U C C E S S Stakeholders Usually have the best ideas Consensus is not always possible, but input and feedback are always welcome. Suggest ways to improve service, better meet end-users’ needs, enrich the climate and culture, etc.
“U”“U” U are the Best and Everything U do Matters! –Academic Technology Services –Integrated Information Services –Integrated Infrastructure Services –Library & Textbook Services –Technology Management Services –Training & Development Services