Teacher’s Identity Kamalesh Chandra Biswas Assistant Teacher (English) Nohata Girls’ School And Ideal College, Mohammadpur, Magura
Lesson Introducement Class : Nine Subject: English 1 st paper Unit : 0 3 Leason : 0 6 Time : 5 0 minutes Date : 20/04/2014
Learning Outcomes After the students have studied this lesson, the students will be able To say What is Pahela Boishakh. What do the shopkeepers do on that day. How do the people of Bangladesh observe this day. Which dresses do the people wear.
Pahela Boishakh
Individual work What is Pahela Baishakh?
Ans Pahela Boishakh is the first day of Bangla new year.
Word meaning
Pair works
How do the people observe the day?
The day is observed traditionally. It is observed all over the country.Different social Organigations observe the day with their own cultural programmes. Ans
Group works
Which dresses do the men and women wear?
Men wear pajamas and panjabis while women wear white saris with red borders.
Evaluation What is pahela Boishakh? Is it a holi day? What type of foods do the people eat on this day? Which dresses do the people wear? What types of programmes areheld?
Home task What do you do to observe Pahela Boishakh? Write in your own words.