Welcome to the 6th Annual Leadership Academy Administrator Roles for Increased Rigor in Instruction We hope you enjoy the day!
What is the message? If your plan is for a year, plant rice. If your plan is for a decade, plant trees. If our plan is for a lifetime, educate children. - Confucius Agenda
Moral Imperative for Standards
2010 MEAP READING Level vs. % Correct 2010 (2009) Performance Level Count Fall 2010 % Correct (2009) Word StudyNarrative Text Informational Text Comprehension
2010 MEAP MATH: Levels vs. % Correct 2010 (2009) Performance Level Count Fall 2010 % Correct (2009) FP 1FP 2FP 3FP 4FP 5FP 6FP
2010 MEAP Science: Levels vs. % Correct Performance Level Count Fall 2010 % Correct Processes Physical Science Life ScienceEarth Science
2010 MEAP Social Studies: Levels vs. % Correct Performance Level Count Fall 2010 % Correct HistoricalGeographicCivicsEconomic
“.. stop lying to parents about how well their children are prepared for the challenges of living and working in the 21st century.” Becoming a Leader in Education: An Agenda for Michigan
Impact of New Cut Scores (proposed) Grade ReadingMath % Proficient Old % Proficient New % Proficient Old % Proficient New 392%51%98%33% 488%49%92%33% 589%55%81%39% 690%52%86%30% 786%49%88%34% 888%47%85%44% 1172%44%57%36%
Boehm Kindergarten Readiness Year% of students “ready” (at level 1 or 2)
ACT Performance (11 th grade MME) Graduation CohortACT Composite% meeting all 4 CRB
Next Generation Assessments: 21 st Century Skills (right now!) Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Collaboration Across Networks Agility and Adaptability Initiative/Entrepreneurship Oral and Written communication Accessing and Analyzing information Curiosity and Imagination
College and Work Readiness Assessment (CWRA) Critical thinking Problem Solving Written Expression Writing Mechanics 90 minute constructed response Fixed references/resources
CWRA – Regional Results
CWRA: Analysis and Problem Solving
Where do we go from here? How have we improved? – More deliberate assessment calendar; – More commonality; – Increased participation; – More PD related to assessment: – Improved data management; – Improved access to information; What needs to be developed? – Time to analyze; – An instructional response!
“Will the circle be unbroken?” Curriculum Assessment Instruction Will it impact our lesson plans?
Who needs the most help? – Cindy:97 – Bobby:85 – Jan:56 – Peter:82 – Marcia:100 – Greg:91
Do we know what our assessments expect of students? “What Do Our Assessments Measure?” Samples
Carpe Diem the CCSS! Interested Students Energized Teachers Exceptional Future If…
4 Requirements of Effective Instructional Leadership Ensure that all personal are engaged in CCSS implementation through rigorous lesson design; Provide high quality professional development and support; Monitor progress toward implementation through walkthroughs, meetings, feedback, etc; Publicly communicate your status in implementing the CCSS to your stakeholders monthly.