Birmingham & Solihull with East Staffordshire, Lichfield & Tamworth LEP Bid “Our vision is to create and support a globally competitive knowledge economy,


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Presentation transcript:

Birmingham & Solihull with East Staffordshire, Lichfield & Tamworth LEP Bid “Our vision is to create and support a globally competitive knowledge economy, the natural home for Europe's entrepreneurs and wealth creators” The opportunity to innovate through partnership The future of Science Parks? Science Parks without walls – the key to growth? Dr David J Hardman Chief Executive Officer

Urban locations in New Century Cities Social evolution changing Social evolution changing the way we work BCC-owned – economic regeneration objectives BCC-owned – economic regeneration objectives

“Our vision is to create and support a globally competitive knowledge economy, the natural home for Europe's entrepreneurs and wealth creators” Greater Birmingham and Solihull LEP

Birmingham a power-house of the industrial revolution With the decline the old economies the need is to import knowledge economy competences so to catalyse growth

“The key to future success in a knowledge based, high value-added economy is whether a city can continuously innovate in products, processes and services.” Birmingham’s Big City Plan Sept 2010

Achieve greater efficiency and productivity at lower cost Address and deliver a faster rate of change in a ‘connected’ world Reduce environmental impact In today’s world businesses need to:

2/15/2011 Science parks stimulate and accelerate innovation through agglomeration of talent, technology and finance creating knowledge- based communities operating within a geographic location BSPA’s approach to promoting the knowledge-economy is to focus on constructing and supporting communities not just buildings

2/15/2011 BSPA driving Birmingham’s Knowledge Economy Mentors Property People Place Finance Technology Angels Knowledge Transfer Networks Grants VCs Science Park Without Walls Virtual Services

2/15/2011 “Networks have long been a progenitor of radical change in business. Networks of canals, rails and highways fomented a huge economic shift over a century ago” Global Innovation Management: A strategic Approach. J.C Westland. Palgrave MacMillan, University of Illinois at Chicago. 2008

2/15/2011 The availability quality and efficiency of the web infrastructure determines the strength of digital communities The strength of digital communities determines the pace of innovation The pace of innovation determines the effectiveness of the ‘place’

Science Parks Without Walls Drive three fundamental shifts in thinking from: Geography-based to community-driven entities Locally processed innovation to borderless innovation Technology-driven to technology-enabled spaces

2/15/2011 Addressing the aspirations and work patterns of the entrepreneurs for the future Embracing a ‘place’ as being driven by a sense of belonging, a sense of ‘place’ not a geographically bounded location

2/15/2011 In a truly digital world there are no boundaries.... so why do science parks have walls?

2/15/2011 Science Parks Without Walls

2/15/2011 ‘Places’ where creative minds come together to think differently to forge new alliances to do new things to develop new technology-derived businesses Cosmopolitan Digital Ports

2/15/2011 Aggregating competences by shrinking geographies to generate critical mass

2/15/2011 Ideas and Communications Suite

2/15/2011 Ideas and Communications Suite Delivery Partners

2/15/2011 Ideas and Communications Suite 2011 Exemplify the utility of access to collaboration platforms in catalysing: establishment and growth of new technology-based ventures, the development of SMEs reduction in international travel by SMEs and larger corporates define and demonstrate the role of virtual place in expanding the relative dimensions of the science park model beyond their geographic boundaries:– the science park without walls

2/15/2011 Ideas and Communications Suite 2011 A video platform for an “International Investment Forum” Geography-independent mentoring and NEDs to support first-time entrepreneurs Sector-specific globalisation days Link to other international centres of innovation through Cisco’s “Global Exchange for Growth” Linking Commercial and Public Sector leaders engaging in regeneration talks to exemplify low cost efficient meetings with low CO 2 emissions


Flexible Work business incubation Extension of Faraday Wharf Location Independent Work Centre “Global Village” TM

Place Offering Science Park Without Walls Networked Virtual Innovation Centres Distributed services across specialist centres based within science parks and Innovation centres TM

2/15/2011 Science Parks fit for