S1 Geography The weather
What is the Weather?
The weather is all the elements in the atmosphere right now Look out the window, how many elements can you see… Is it cloudy? Is it windy- are the trees moving? How far can you see? Is it warm outside? Is it dry or raining? Is the sun shining?
Sunshine Without the sun, nothing on planet earth would survive. We measure the sun using a Sunshine Recorder And we record sunshine in hours
Temperature Temperature is all the heat that is in the atmosphere. We talk about how warm or cold it is We use a thermometer and measure temperature in °C
Precipitation All the moisture in the air. Rain Sleet Snow Drizzle Hail We measure it using a rain gauge in mm
Wind Wind is the movement of the air. We will be studying wind speed and wind direction.
Cloud Cover and Visibility We like to record the amount of clouds in the sky, in oktas. Visibility is how far you can see and is measured in meters. We record both with our eyes.
Air Pressure Air pressure is the weight of the air. The air is as heavy as a Mini Adventure on top of your head. We record air pressure with a barograph or barometer. We measure air pressure in milibars (mb)
How does the weather affect you? The next few slides show you pictures of different weather elements: Work out… What each weather element is and What you need to protect yourself from it.
What is today’s weather going to be?