JOÃO MAGALHÃES Regional SPS Frameworks and Strategies in Africa
APPROACH: A SCOPING STUDY Objective: Inform and assess necessity of further SPS action at AUCs and RECs levels. Actions: Assessment of RECs existing SPS frameworks, strategies, and action plans was carried out. Current tasks and responsibilities of the AUC and the RECs were evaluated.
HOW WAS IT PREPARED? Collected: SPS frameworks, protocols, strategies, action plans Relevant information published/provided by key multilateral/bilateral donor organizations, collected by /telephone /web/different sources Questionnaire developed and sent to RECs & AUC Replies received were used in the draft study.
CHALLENGES FOR RECs National problems: Absence of national strategies Weak or inexistent legal SPS frameworks Faltering national coordination in many African countries Inadequate or highly fragmented national SPS measures Harsh reduction of export capacity Countries ability to control imports severely affected
CHALLENGES FOR RECs Regional problems: RECs mandated to develop legal and technical instruments to help Member States RECs highly politicized nature implies slow decision- making and low visibility at grass-roots level Fairly limited SPS-dedicated human resources Reduced high level political awareness Limited sense of ownership among Member States.
REGIONAL FRAMEWORKS: THE RIGHT ANSWER? RECs SPS policy frameworks tend to mirror WTO SPS Agreement Duplication risks Utility can be questioned Concerns overlap different SPS regional policy frameworks, especially when the same country in more than one REC. No evidence frameworks in force achieved aim RECs no capacity to monitor RF implementation The AUC: yet another SPS framework?
STRATEGIES & ACTION PLANS Limited information on RECs & AUC SPS strategies Scattered activities. Are there strategies? IF strategy is regional policy frameworks Implementation of frameworks? Some elements of strategies regional harmonization capacity building establishment of Regional SPS Committees No clear plans of action were identified Are there plans of action?
MOVING AHEAD Recent interest of RECs for WTO SPS Committee Several requests for observer status Exposure to the work of the Committee beneficial for RECs and Member States Involvement in the Committees work will avoid duplication of work (e.g. transparency, equivalence, regionalization) Where is the AUC?
MOVING AHEAD Development regional standards, guidelines and recommendations serious concerns risks overlap and/or duplication with international standards Greater participation in ISSOs work better use of scarce human resources Right person at the right place, please! Participation of AUC officials also strongly encouraged
MOVING AHEAD Capacity building and technical assistance activities are the fields of election of the RECs and the AUC Comparative advantage in their regions as partner organizations of international and foreign donors organizations Coordination efforts with regard to capacity building and technical assistance improving Approach increasingly demand-driven and oriented to hands-on aspects
MOVING AHEAD Need of strong SPS management mechanisms Animal health: AU/IBAR (Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resource) Plant protection: AU/IAPSC (Inter-African Ohytosanitary Council) Food Safety: no management body AU/DREA (Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture) Role to play? Overall coordination?
MEETING HIGH LEVEL AMBITIONS RECs and AUC need to address their weaknesses Identify weaknesses (needs) Establish priorities Set clear objectives Establish plans of action Establish visible strategies
MEETING HIGH LEVEL AMBITIONS New more participative attitudes on capacity building incl. new partnership models Need for organized and efficient response Need for continued and strengthened private sector involvement Need for strengthened leadership(s) and individual responsibility AUC & RECs logical & privileged partners
HOW TO MAKE IT WORK? RECs and AUC need to work on: High level awareness Sense of ownership At high level… And at technical level! Individuals make the difference… together they make a BIGGER diference! AUC+RECs+Countries have to work together!
THANK YOU! João Magalhães