The Internet’s Big 4 An overview of 4 major online companies that were instrumental in today’s E-commerce and E-marketing
The company that first made going online easy. First major online provider to offer a direct Internet connection along with a wide variety of its own content channels. Took the mystery and misery out of e- mail. Famous catch phrase “You’ve Got Mail” Who am I?
Started with an easy-to-navigate directory system, indexed sites by categories and topics. Has been called the Internet’s Grand Central Station (2001). It even has its own magazine. Who am I?
Began by selling books on the Internet, and soon after added music CD’s, software, electronics, and more. Traditional retail bookstore was under attack. Proved online businesses could work. Had a major marketing and e-branding success story. Who am I?
An American computer services company, best known for its web browser. Was dominant in terms of usage share. One of Netscape's stated goals was to "level the playing field" among operating systems by providing a consistent web browsing experience across them. Who am I?