Hosting a Webinar Tips and Rules of Thumb Sample Webinar Welcome! Please sign in with your first and last name. with Jane Miller, SPS Ed Tech Coordinator & Gary Gillespie, Salk Middle School Twitter: EdTech_Spokane
Tips to a Successful Interactive webinar Create your session link Initial with link to participants –Send out days prior so they can do a practice login Draft your webinar as a power point presentation Create your Elluminate Plan –Add voting –Add whitboarding –Add Files –Add YouTube Videos Upload to YouTube as Unlisted or Public Reminder the day of the webinar
Rule 1: Intro to Collaborate Sample Never expect all attendees at your webinar to already know how to use the interactive tools. Always make sure that you start each webinar with a slide that shows the collaborate tools and provide an opportunity for brief practice. This also allows you to know if you have all the tools turned on too.
Overview of Collaborate o Chat area for questions o Type and Enter o Participants tab for Emotions, Status, Raising Hand, Voting
Rule 2: Polling Sample Your webinar attendees will have various instructional and job experiences. Start your webinar with a poll to learn about their background knowledge. You can place polling slides between content sections to check for understanding. This will inform your next steps in the presentation as well.
What is your teaching/job focus? A. Teacher B. Principal/Assistant Principal C. Other School Administrator/Staff D. District Office Administrator E. Other
Rule 3: Connection to Learning Sample Understanding the purpose of the webinar based on learning standards/goals or teaching standards will help the learners know what they will be able to do by the end of the learning session. This will lead attendees to personal goal setting at the end based on the new learning.
Agenda Connection to Learning (TPEP) Marzano on Technology Becoming a Reflective Teacher TPEP Technology Links Planning Document Next Steps Q & A
Connection to Learning (TPEP) Domain 1: Elements 1-41 Domain 2: Planning and Preparing Planning and Preparing for Use of Resources and Technology –46. Use of Available Technology Teacher plans and prepares for the use of available materials, including technology.
Rule 4: Green Check When Finished Sample If giving participants time to explore websites, videos, or idea, ask them to give you a green check mark when they have finished and are ready to move on. The green check mark indicated by participants will allow you to provide the needed time for learner reflection or exploration. It also allows you as the presenter to move at the pace of the learners, not moving too fast or too slow.
Connection to Learning
Rule 5: Whiteboard for Idea Sharing Add a blank slide with a title (or question) that will allow participants to type in their ideas on a topic. See their thinking right on the slide allows for the connection to the learning rather than just having them type in the chat room. Make sure you demonstrate the tool bar next to their names so they know what to click prior to typing. You may also want to add the words "Type here" in the location in which you want the interaction.
Use text tool to add your ideas below Idea Sharing What predominant technology integration have you observed at your school site?
Possible Next Steps Use text tool to add your ideas
Q & AQ & A Access the Individual Videos and Webinars YouTube Channel EdtechSpokane Webinar recordings Access the Individual Videos and Webinars YouTube Channel EdtechSpokane Webinar recordings