Visitor Survey Report June Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair 2012
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 2 Survey Summary Total number of visitors:25,560 Total number of online surveys successfully sent out:19,678 Total number of surveys collected (online):649 Overall survey response rate:3.3% [649 / 19,678]
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 3 Nature of business(es) of visitors
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 4 Are you visiting this exhibition for the first time? | No. of response in 2011: 752 | | No. of response in 2012: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 5 How did you learn about this exhibition? | No. of response in 2011: 752 | | No. of response in 2012: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 6 How did you learn about this exhibition? - Base: visitors who learnt the Fair from advertisement | No. of response in 2011: 98 | | No. of response in 2012: 72 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 7 How did you learn about this exhibition? - analysis of the answers under “UBM Asia’s jewellery exhibitions” | No. of response: 87 | Most of the visitors learnt about the June Fair from UBM Asia’s signature jewellery event: the September Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair. The Sep Fair would be the optimal channel to promote our fairs.
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 8 What is the major product you source for? | No. of response in 2011: 752 | | No. of response in 2012: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 9 To what extent do you think your objectives for visiting this exhibition have been achieved? | No. of response: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 10 To what extent do you think your objectives for visiting this exhibition have been achieved? (comparison of 2011 & 2012: “Fully well achieved” + “Fully achieved”) | No. of response in 2011: 752 | | No. of response in 2012: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 11 To what extent are you satisfied with the exhibitors on the following? | No. of response: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 12 To what extent are you satisfied with the exhibitors on the following? (comparison of 2011 & 2012: “Extremely satisfied” + “Quite satisfied”) Product prices were more competitive in 2012, and most of the visitors satisfied with the exhibitors’ service. | No. of response in 2011: 752 | | No. of response in 2012: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 13 June Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair and the June edition of the Asia's Fashion Jewellery & Accessories Fair are held concurrently at HKCEC this time. Do you think this arrangement is beneficial for your company The AFJ to be held concurrently with the June Fair is welcomed by most of the visitors confirmed that such arrangement enhances their sourcing experiences. | No. of response in 2011: 752 || No. of response in 2012: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 14 To what extent are you satisfied with the organiser on the following? | No. of response: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 15 To what extent are you satisfied with the organiser on the following? (comparison of 2011 & 2012: “Extremely satisfied” + “Quite satisfied”) The Organiser’s delivered services of high quality. The scores in various aspects are similar to or higher than last year which confirmed visitors’ satisfaction. | No. of response in 2011: 752 | | No. of response in 2012: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 16 In case you also visited the June Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair in 2011, was the US$ amount of business ordered during the Fair or as a direct result of the Fair more or less than last year? | No. of response: 448 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 17 Please give an overall rating for your participation in this exhibition. (10=Excellent; 1=Very poor) Average rating (2011): 7.33 Average rating (2012): 7.25 | No. of response in 2011: 752 | | No. of response in 2012: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 18 How likely are you to recommend future at this event to your colleagues/peers? (10= Very likely; 1= Not at all likely) | No. of response in 2011: 752 | | No. of response in 2012: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 19 How likely are you to recommend future at this event to your colleagues/peers? (10= Very likely; 1= Not at all likely) | No. of response: 649 | Formula for calculating NPS (Net Promoter Score): NPS = Promoters (% rating 9 and 10) - Detractors (% rating 0 - 6) 2012 Average score: 7.53 NPS: 4%
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 20 How important are the following to you in your planning to visit this exhibition? | No. of response: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 21 How important are the following to you in your planning to visit this exhibition? (comparison of 2011 & 2012: “Extremely important” + “Quite important”) | No. of response in 2011: 752 | | No. of response in 2012: 649 |
6JG12 Visitor Survey Report 22 Please tick the jewellery exhibition that you rate most important for your company. | No. of response: 649 |