The International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Workshop on the relationship between the SPS Committee and the international standard-setting organizations 26 October 2009 IPPC Secretariat
“Protecting the world’s plant resources from pests” Our mission “Protecting the world’s plant resources from pests” 1952: First Convention 1991: Revised text 1993: ISPM No.1 1995: WTO agreements 2005: New revised text 2009: 173 Contracting Parties
Info exchange Implementation Scope Standard setting Info exchange Implementation Capacity building
Organizational Structure Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) Standards Committee (SC) EWG: - 6-10 experts, Ad hoc TP: - 6-10 experts, 3 year term - Nominated by Members - Recommended by Secretariat - Decided by SC SC: - 25 members, 3 year term - Nominated by Region - Confirmed by CPM Members (NPPO, RPPO), international organizations, WTO-SPS Secretary: - Propose new topic - Review and submit comments Technical Panels (TPs) Expert Working Groups (EWGs)
Standard setting process Stage 1: Topics Stage 2: Drafting Stage 3: Member consultation Stage 4: Adoption 6-7 years in total
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) 32 ISPMs adopted 4 specific ISPMs 87 topics and subjects ISPM No. 15 (Wood packaging material) ISPM No. 18 (Guidelines for irradiation) ISPM No. 26 (Pest free areas for fruit flies) ISPM No. 30 (Areas of low pest prevalence for fruit flies)
Regional Plant Protection Organizations (RPPO) Coordinate implementation in their regions Technical Consultation of RPPOs; All RPPOs meet annually encourages inter-regional cooperation
Opportunity to participate Stage 1: New topic/Work programme New topic Members (NPPOs, RPPOs), SPS Secretary, other organization Review Region (SC) Work programme Contracting Parties (CPM)
Opportunity to participate (Cont’) Stage 2: Drafting Specification Region (SC) Comment Members (NPPOs,RPPOs) international organizations Approve Spec Region (SC) Draft text Experts Finalize draft Region (SC)
Opportunity to participate (Cont’) Stage 3: Consultation Comment Members (NPPOs, RPPOs), international organizations Revise draft Region (SC) Stage 4: Adoption Adopt Contracting Parties (CPM)
Recent developments Special Process Regional workshop on draft ISPMs IPPC Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS)
Development process Regular Process For concept standards Special Process (formerly “Fast track”) For technical standards Drafted by TPs with focus on science Discussed by SC via E-mail ICPM-6 (2004) Fast track CPM-3 (2008) changed to special
Regional workshop on draft ISPMs Since 2001 Provide forum for developing countries for their review of draft ISPMs In 2009, IPPC held first workshop for Russian speaking countries
Implementation Review and Support System (IRSS) Facilitate implementation of IPPC and ISPMs Partially implemented due to lack of resources Two components; Review and Support Evaluate implementation (IPPC & ISPMs) “Help Desk” for implementation
Challenging issues Procedure for standard setting e.g. Special process Expectation: fewer comments, quick adoption Participation by developing countries Few experts nominated for TPs/EWGs
Challenging issues Secretariat staffing Very few permanent staff members Funding FAO contributions stagnant No assessed member contributions No predictable regular income flow to Trust Funds
Relationship with SPS committee IPPC Secretariat SPS Committee Report on: New ISPMs Other developments (e.g. meetings, calls) SPS Secretariat CPM Discussions at SPS Committee
Relationship with other 2 sisters CODEX IPPC CODEX trust fund participation report was used as basis for evaluating participation of developing countries in IPPC meetings (2009)
Relationship with other 2 sisters (Cont’) OIE IPPC OIE shared its experience with; recognition of animal disease status at IPPC open-ended WG on international recognition of pest free areas (2008) the Performance of Veterinary Services tool (PVS) at IPPC open-ended WG on Building National Phytosanitary Capacity (2008)
Relationship with other 2 sisters (Cont’) CODEX, OIE and IPPC participate at SPS workshop together Standard setting process of CODEX and OIE were compared with IPPC for; Review of IPPC standard setting procedures Reorganization of ISPMs
Potential areas of collaboration SPS Committee IPPC New topics Revision of ISPMs SPS Committee 3 sisters Information sharing of common issues
Procedures for standard setting Common issues CODEX IPPC OIE - Pest free area Regionalization Surveillance Risk analysis Certification Non-compliance Procedures for standard setting
Common issues (cont’) CODEX IPPC OIE Implementation Capacity building Private standards Languages Funding