OIE standard-setting procedures - Focus on the Terrestrial & Aquatic Codes SPS workshop Geneva 17 October 2011 Dr Sarah Kahn Head International Trade Dept.
OIE standard setting procedure Transparent Democratic Well-established Science based Rapid & responsive Member participation International collaboration
Standard- setting: the OIE Codes Topic Specialist Commissions Scientific review Advice of experts or other Specialist Commissions Draft text ASSEMBLY DELEGATES Adoption Delegates Commissions Experts 1 2 OIE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD World Assembly: National Delegates 178 Members Comments
DG convenes independent experts to draft texts – many are drawn from Reference Centres – attention to geographic balance. Examination of draft texts by Specialist Commissions and Working Groups, as appropriate Two-year cycle / 4 occasions for Member comments Formal adoption of standards by the World Assembly, usually based on consensus (or 2/3 majority). Well established process
Standards are based on and regularly updated with latest scientific information Collaboration between Code Commissions (Terrestrial and Aquatic) and other Specialist Commissions Network of OIE 265 Reference Centres Expert groups - internationally recognised experts, geographic balance. Science-based
All standards adopted through the established formal process Member comments are addressed by Specialist Commissions and the decisions and rationale are published in Commission reports (on the OIE website). Two-year cycle - 4 occasions for Member comments Work plans of Commissions published and adopted annually Opportunity for debate at General Session (report reviewed at meeting and adopted within one month after the GS). Transparency
Routine cycle: 2 years – more rapid in an urgent situation, to protect health. Standards are regularly updated, based on relevant new scientific information Commissions meet twice per year (total of 4 weeks for Terrestrial Code), to review Member comments and revise/finalise texts Expert meetings on ad hoc basis Rapid and responsive
Official agreements with FAO and WHO, and with more than 60 other international organisations Coordination within the 3 sisters – participation in meetings, sharing reports etc. Through the Animal Production Food Safety Working Group, collaboration at strategic level with Codex – proposal for joint standards development in future. International collaboration
Delegates are the most frequently source of requests for the development or revision of standards Delegates/the World Assembly elect Commission Members and adopt the reports of the Specialist Commissions, including their work programs Delegates are asked to endorse the DGs proposals on membership of permanent working groups. Member Country participation
The National Delegate as a Member of the World Assembly of Delegates is centrally involved in – adoption of standards (by consensus or vote) – nominating experts, Reference Laboratories and Collaborating Centres, (which are frequent participants in expert groups) The OIE recommends nomination of 7 Focal points to help Delegates to meet the OIE obligations – the OIE provides seminars (at least one per region each 2 years) to the nominated focal points – and to new Delegates. Member Country participation
All Members have the same opportunity to participate in the development and adoption of standards: One Member, One Vote For further information: _Setting/docs/pdf/A_OIE_procedures_stand___recom_2011.pdf Democratic
OIE standard setting procedure Transparent Democratic Well-established Science based Rapid & responsive Member participation International collaboration