Seminar on Government Facilitation of E-Commerce for Development Government Task Force on E-Commerce Venezuelan Mission Oscar Hernández / Luisa Rodríguez Geneva, 14 June 2001
Task Force for the Facilitation of E-commerce for Development 1.- A challenge for public policy: Obstacles for the use of information and communication technology in Developing CountriesObstacles for the use of information and communication technology in Developing Countries Objectives of the internal coordinationObjectives of the internal coordination 2.- The Venezuelan Experience: Strategic FrameworkStrategic Framework Legislation and Development PlansLegislation and Development Plans ActionsActions 3.- Future projects and their expected results. results.
Obstacles to the use of information and communication technologies in Developing Countries Access High costs of hardwareHigh costs of hardware Low Penetration of infrastructure of telecommunicationsLow Penetration of infrastructure of telecommunications Cost of access to internetCost of access to internet Reduced number of persons with credit cardReduced number of persons with credit card Know How Governments with little knowledge about e.commerceGovernments with little knowledge about e.commerce Lack of knowledge about the commercial possibilities of internetLack of knowledge about the commercial possibilities of internet Entrepreneurs prefer their traditional way of doing bussinessEntrepreneurs prefer their traditional way of doing bussiness Confidence Little security and confidenciality in the transactionsLittle security and confidenciality in the transactions Phone and fax are considered saferPhone and fax are considered safer Little certainty about applicable jurisdictionLittle certainty about applicable jurisdiction
Situation of internet access in Venezuela Source : Cavecom-E (1999)
A challenge for public policy: Objectives of the internal coordination –Open and competitive telecommunications sector –Create a framework of rules that stimulate the access to infrastructure –Educate the society in order to give it the capacity to take advantages of the opportunities that e.commerce offers –Transparency in the legal regimes –Appropriate systems of security to generate confidence
The Venezuelan Experience: Strategic Framework –Develop a national infrastructure for Information Technologies (I.T.) that will allow to strenghthening of the human capacities and improve the quality of life –Bring up human resources on the effective use of the I.T., through training activities which will allow the transmission of a creative attitude towards I.T.
The Venezuelan Experience: Strategic Framework –Contribute with the modernization of the Venezuelan state. The use of the I.T. will: Facilitate the communication within the Public Sector, with other Governments and with the citizenFacilitate the communication within the Public Sector, with other Governments and with the citizen Improve the quality of the public services provided to citizens, institutions and organizations.Improve the quality of the public services provided to citizens, institutions and organizations. –Promote the I.T. in the productive sectors (public and private), in order to promote the quality and innovation, in the context of digital world economy
The Venezuelan Experience: Legislation and Development Plans –Presidential Decree for e-Government (Nº 825, ) –Telecommunications Law –Data Messages and Electronic Signatures Law –Science, technology and Innovation Law –Data Security Law(Project) – Information Technologies National Plan – Telecommunications National Plan
The Venezuelan Experience: Actions –INFOCENTROS –Thematic servers in health, production, education, science and environment –Project to provide I.T. to the small and medium enterprises –Incubator for enterprises –Intranet/extranet of the Ministry of Science and Technology as a role model for the public administration
The Venezuelan Experience: Highlighting some of the actions Definition: Definition: –Adequate communitary spaces, provided with I.T. Services. They have progressively been increased in number and in services provided. February 2001: February 2001: –Opening of 5 in the metropolitan area an 3 in the interior users per month –Operation costs covered by the Government –Strategic alliances with public and private actors Products: INFOCENTROS: Objectives: Objectives: –Increase access to the internet. –Promote the access to the information to stimulate investigation and innovation June 2001: June 2001: –240 in the whole country with a capacity of per month –Communities centers and training centers
The Venezuelan Experience: Highlighting some of the actions Minnovación: automatic process for the evaluation of projects The user finds information and application forms to ask for financing in the area of the projects of the Science and Technology MinistryThe user finds information and application forms to ask for financing in the area of the projects of the Science and Technology Ministry –Education –Health –Modernization of enterprises –Industrial grants Allows innovators, institutions, investigation centers, enterprises, NGO to present proposals and requests for a reduction of the time of response.Allows innovators, institutions, investigation centers, enterprises, NGO to present proposals and requests for a reduction of the time of response. The requests are sent by internet to external evaluators who give an opinion online about them, without knowing the identity of the petitioner The requests are sent by internet to external evaluators who give an opinion online about them, without knowing the identity of the petitioner
Situation of internet access in Venezuela Number of internet users Source: 1200 home interviews. DATANALISIS % 300%
Future projects and their expected results (dec. 2002) Increase from 4% to 25 % the internet usersIncrease from 4% to 25 % the internet users Give specialized medical assistance at low cost and from a distanceGive specialized medical assistance at low cost and from a distance
Future projects and their expected results (dec. 2002) More effective, efficient and transparent management:More effective, efficient and transparent management: Online procedures for Government ProcurementOnline procedures for Government Procurement Online execution of the State budgetOnline execution of the State budget Stimulate the development of companies with techonological base and form more entrepreneurs on ICT in order to generate new opportunities of bussiness and sources of workStimulate the development of companies with techonological base and form more entrepreneurs on ICT in order to generate new opportunities of bussiness and sources of work
Situation of internet access in Latin America Source: Jupiter Communications Million of users:
Situation of internet access in Latin America Source: Jupiter Communications Million of US$:
Agents who relate to each other by electronic means The relations with commercial expression Are: B 2 C, C 2 B, and B 2 B Gov. / Gov. (Information) Gov. / Cons. (Information) Gov. / Bus. Cons / Gov. (Information) Cons / Cons. (Information) Cons. / Bus. (C 2 B) Bus. / Gov Bus. / Cons. (B 2 C) Bus / Bus. (B 2 B)