BioAcknowledgement BioScientists and BioStudents who do science as it is fun and for the sake of it. People who support science Korean MOST for funding Korean MIC for funding (KADO project) KRIBB for supporting KOBIC KOBIC colleagues Dr. Tan Tin Wee and INCOB2007 organizers
Evaluation: 3 rd B i o Wiki contest Jong Bhak Korean Bioinformation Center KRIBB Korea
Bio Disclaimer 3/3 Everything here is under (B) BioLicense
Keyword change in bioinformatics: Structure Sequence Large scale Internet Interaction & Network Omics Sharing and Communication: –information and project sharing –Collaboration, integration (Bio- projects) –GRID, E-Science, Cyber-infrastructure Entrepreneursihp & Industrialization
The tide of time 2/2 –Bioinformation and Bioknowledge must openfree for maximum creativity and entrepreneurship Web 2.0 Bio 2.0
Introducing BioCC BioCC: Bio Community Cluster Building a virtual community of bioknowledge. –Making and providing bioknowledge chart that are openfree, comprehensive, and easy to access.
Philosophy of BioCC Openfreely Sharing data, information, knowledge Collaboration through infrastructure
Attitude “If I’m not the first author, I’m gonna take all my marbles and go home.”
B i o Wiki A method of constructing UCC bioinformation universe. B i o Wiki is a web site name B i o Wiki is also a program based on Mediawiki Biowiki-2.5 (2007)
BioPortal using BioWiki - BioMatrix Biopipeline, BioEngine BioPortal.NET BioPortal using BioWiki - BioMatrix Biopipeline, BioEngine BioPortal.NET BioPortal.NET
Biowiki contest
1 st BioCC B i o Wiki contest 2007 January -> 2007 February
KOBIC BioCC System 도메인분 야 생명공학 대중화를 위한 컨텐츠 생명과학에 필요한 프로그램 스크립트 제공서비스 단백질 기능예측 생명기원에 대한 가설정리 및 문제 해결방안 생명과학 분야 형광이미지 해조류의 생태 및 계통 ( 진화 ) 생명과학 교육 동영상 서비스 (UCC) 감염질환 관련 지표물질의 생물학적인 정보구축 바이오 의약에 관한 국내 / 외 동향 심혈관 및 동맥경화에 관련된 논문, 뉴스 공유 분자생물학, 조직학, 면역학 관련 컨텐츠 생물학적 난제가 무엇이 있는지 그리고 이를 해결하기 위한 공유의 장 생물통계관련 분석절차, 마이크로어레이 Biology Network 들의 개념 및 참고문헌, 연구자, 연구기관분류 영장류 분류, 형태, 행동 및 생태자료 질환관련 SNP 정의, 분석방법 줄기세포 연구방법
ResultsResults 참가자 대표 : 안용열 소 속 : KAIST 연락처 : / 팀원이름 : 이상훈, 손승우 주제 : Biology network 들의 개념및 참고문헌 연구자, 연구기관분류 Wiki URL : 1 st : Network Biology 2 nd : 생물통계관련 분석절차, 마이크로어레이 바이오 의약에 관한 국내 / 외 동향 3 rd : Protein Structure and function 분자생물학, 조직학, 면역학 관련 Contents Stem Cell Biology 생명공학 대중화를 위한 컨텐츠 감염질환 지표물질의 생물학적인 정보구축 Total 8 teams Winner
2 nd International Biowiki contest 17 teams participated in it. Winner: –Dan Bolser at MPI Berlin
3rd International B i o Wiki contest July 20 th to Aug 24 th Now Open to everyone(teams) Tools: Biowiki program or Mediawiki Contestants can pick subject/title and we provide them with wiki servers. –E.g.: 1 st winner: $500 2 nd place : $300 3 rd places: $200
General Rules of B i o Wiki 1. All the information is openfree (copyLefted) and shared Under BioLicense ( 2. Good biowiki is the one that acquires much amount of information and number of users 3. Biowiki sites must be easy to use
Biowiki Evaluation Aug 27 th : International experts will evaluate the submitted openhypertext(wiki) sites during the 6th InCoB at Hong Kong. Aug 27 th : Popularity evaluation Anyone who attends Incob2007 can cast a popularity vote by typing(signing) in their names in
BioPipeline Popular Evaluation