Indoor Soccer Training September 17, 2013
Rosters and Forfeits 5 on 5, no goalie May begin/end with as few as 3 At game time if a team is not ready with the correct number of players the grace period will begin. Forfeits for soccer will be recorded as 5-0 with the winning team receiving a sportsmanship of 4 and the losing team receiving a 0
Grace Period If, at the scheduled game time, a team does not have 5 players, a 10-minute grace period will be granted in an attempt to ensure that the game is played. The 10- minute grace period will be deducted from the actual game time. During this grace period, the team with the minimum number of players present will be awarded 1 point for every 2 minute or portion of 2 minutes after the scheduled start time up to the tenth minute. If, at the end of the grace period, the team still does not have the minimum number of players the game will be declared a forfeit.
Equipment All jewelry must be removed before participating. Teams must wear same colored shirts or jerseys. Pinnies available if needed. Appropriate gym footwear must be worn. Hats and any other headwear that has a hard bill or creates a knot-like protrusion are not permitted. Shin pads are strongly encouraged.
Time 25 minute game. Running clock until last 2 minutes. Stops for all whistles in final 2 minutes. Each team is entitled to 1 timeout per game. During dead ball or in team possession
Scoring The entire ball must cross the goal line. A goal can be scored from anywhere at anytime. Each goal is worth 1 point. No Mercy Rule
Tie Game No overtime in regular season Playoff overtime is five minute golden goal periods until a winner is determined.
Ball In Play/Out of Play Ball remains in play except when: Referee Halts Play Ball makes contact above designated mark on wall (Soundproofing or line corresponding to the bottom of soundproofing) Ball makes contact with ceiling, rafters, basketball hoops, etc. Ball comes to rest in goal crease or player contacts the ball while any part of his/her body is in contact with the goal crease.
Substitutions Substitutions may be requested by teams on the court during any dead ball period Substitutes must remain outside the gym and may not enter the court until beckoned by an official Unlimited
Restarting Play When the ball is declared dead the following restart procedures shall be used: If the ball goes out of bounds on the side walls or ceiling- kick- in from nearest spot If the ball goes out along back wall last touched by defender- corner kick After a goal, to start the game, or if the ball goes out along back wall last touched by offense- goal kick Defensive players must be at least 10 feet away from kicker, unless goal crease is within 10 feet
Fouls and Penalties A player shall not: Spit, kick, strike, attempt to kick or strike, or jump at an opponent. Shall not trip or attempt to trip an opponent Deliberately Handle the Ball Hold or Push an opponent with the hands or arms extended from the body Charge an opponent in a dangerous or reckless manner Obstruct an opponent when not making an attempt to play the ball Participate in dangerous play.
Slide Tackling Sliding Feet First into an opponent who has control of the ball No contact is necessary for there to be a foul.
Goal Crease Penalty A player may not play the ball while he/she is in contact with the goal crease. If an offensive player is contact with the crease and touches the ball a direct kick will be awarded to the opponent. If a defensive player touches the ball while in contact with the crease a penalty kick will be awarded to the opponent. * A player may be in the crease as long as they do not make contact with the ball. * Players may play the ball in the crease as long as they are outside/not in contact with the crease.
Penalty Kicks All penalty kicks taken from mid-court All players on or behind line Cannot cross line until ball is kicked Cannot touch/play ball until it touches something Awarded for: Defensive goal crease violations Fouls against an opponent with an obvious goal scoring opportunity
Misconduct A player shall be cautioned (yellow card) for: Entering/leaving the field during play without the permission of an official Persistent violation of the rules Objecting to an official’s decision Unsporting conduct including but not limited to: Unnecessary delay Holding a shirt, short, etc. of an opponent Deliberate verbal tactics Deliberate Handball Deliberate Tactical Foul An unsuccessful attempt to deny an obvious goal scoring opportunity by a foul A yellow card may also be given on any foul if you feel it is warranted.
Ejections A player shall be ejected (red card) for: Slide Tackling Taunting Excessive Celebration Exhibiting Violent Conduct Committing Serious Foul Play/Misconduct Deliberate handball to save a goal Successful foul against a player with an obvious attempt to score Spitting at an opponent Participating in a fight Accumulating 2 yellow cards.
I just ejected a Participant… Immediately notify the Supervisor Record the participants name The player must leave the game No substitute will be allowed (team will play short a player)
Unique Game Situations Injuries Protests
A Player Gets Hurt… Immediately notify the Supervisor Do NOT provide medical assistance to the player The player must leave the game A substitute will be allowed
Protests What do I do if a player wants to Protest? Ask the player if they are sure they want to protest Find a supervisor and tell them you have a protest Allow the supervisor to make the decision and then enforce the decision
Sportsmanship Scale 4 Points: Excellent Conduct & Sportsmanship: Players cooperate fully with officials and opposing team members. The captain converses calmly with officials about rule interpretations and calls. A team that receives any conduct penalty during their event CANNOT receive 4 points.
Sportsmanship Scale 3 points: Good Conduct & Sportsmanship: Team members verbally complain about some decisions made by the officials and/or show minor dissension, which may or may not merit a conduct penalty. Teams that receive multiple conduct penalties CANNOT receive 3 points.
Sportsmanship Scale 2 points: Average Conduct & Sportsmanship: Team shows verbal dissent towards official and/or the opposing team, which may or may not merit a Yellow Card/Technical Foul/Unsportsmanlike Conduct Penalty. Captain exhibits minor control over his/her teammates, but is in control of him/herself. Teams receiving 2+ Yellow Cards/Technical Fouls/Unsportsmanlike Conduct Penalties will receive no higher than 2 points. Any team defaulting a game will receive a 2 rating.
Sportsmanship Scale 1 point: Below Average Conduct & Sportsmanship: Team constantly comments to the officials and/or the opposing team from the field and/or sidelines. The team captain exhibits little or no control over teammates or him/herself. Teams receiving 3+ Yellow Cards/Technical Fouls/Unsportsmanlike Conduct Penalties will receive no higher than 1 point.
Sportsmanship Scale 0 points: Poor Conduct & Sportsmanship: Team is completely uncooperative. Captain has no control over teammates or him/herself. Any team that forfeits a game or causes a game to be forfeited or any team receiving multiple ejections will receive 0 points. Teams receiving 4+ Yellow Cards/Technical Fouls/Unsportsmanlike Conduct Penalties will receive no higher than 0 points.
QUESTIONS?? See everyone tomorrow at 7:00 PM outside at the Turf complex if the weather is good, inside on Court 1 if the weather poor