Technical Assistance and Capacity Building Related to the SPS Agreement The Contribution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Relevance to FAO Mandate zFAO mandate calls for raising levels of nutrition and standards of living…and contributing towards expanding world economy and ensuring humanitys freedom from hunger (FAO Constitution) zFAO hosts the Secretariats of two international standards setting bodies recognised by the SPS Agreement, namely: - The Codex Alimentarius Commission - The International Plant Protection Convention.
Main Divisions/Units Involved zFor Food safety and consumer protection, - The Food Quality and Standards Service - The Fish Utilization and Marketing Service - The Joint FAO/IAEA Division on Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture zFor Animal Health - The Animal Production and Health Division zFor Plant Health - The Plant Production and Protection Division
Coverage of Capacity Building Activities z Field projects z Training courses, workshops and seminars z Development and dissemination of tools
Field Projects (1) zCover a wide range of subjects and beneficiaries zTailored to meet the specific needs of countries or regions zFunded through: TF, TCP, GCP arrangements zInvolve Technical Divisions in HQ and decentralised technical officers and operational units.
Field Projects (2) Examples of recently approved projects: - Strengthening National Codex Committees (India, Tunisia, Uruguay) - Reinforcing Import/Export Inspection and Certification Systems (Vietnam) - Review and Reorganisation of National Food Control Systems (Morocco) - Controlling Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Meat Products (China, Iran) - Improving the Quality and Safety of Fresh Produce (Regional-Latin America)
Field Projects (3) zOver 50 projects currently under implementation in all developing regions of the world; 27 are funded by FAO/TCP. zPriority given to: Institutional building including regulatory frameworks and standards; training of technical and managerial staff; upgrading the scientific and technical capabilities; enhancing the quality and effectiveness of countries participation in international standards setting mechanisms.
Training courses, workshops and seminars zPriority area in FAO Technical Assistance Programmes zCovers a wide range of subjects such as: Risk analysis; Quality assurance systems; HACCP; Role and functions of National Codex Committees; Laboratory Quality Assurance and Accreditation; Management of Food Control Systems; Impact of WTO/SPS Agreement on Fish Industry; Application of GAP and GMP along the food chain; etc.. zPre-Codex Workshops on pertinent issues related to food safety
Development and Dissemination of Tools zReports of Experts Consultations (recent examples: Risk analysis; Foods derived from biotechnology; Microbiological risk assessment; Animal feeding and food safety; Probiotics; etc.) zManuals and Guidelines: 17 Manuals covering all aspects of food control (Food import inspection; Food for export; Laboratory analysis; HACCP; etc..) + a number of related guidelines such as: Guidelines for establishing effective national food control system; Model food law; Sampling plans for aflatoxin analysis; etc…
Building Capacity for Biotechnology, and Food Quality and Safety, Phyto and Zoosanitary Standards – An Integrated programme zTrust Fund proposal prepared at the initiative of FAO/ DG zCovers Biotechnology + SPS related matters zObjectives: (1) Raising awareness; (2) Updating of regulatory and legal frameworks; (3) Institution building at national and regional levels; Human resource development; (4) Promotion of sound governance and standard setting; and (5) Enhancing scientific capabilities.
FAO Trust Fund on Food Security and Food Safety zCovers transboundary pests and diseases of animals and plants zUses FAOs Emergency Prevention System (EMPRES) zTarget funding US$500 Million zDemand-driven approach to funds allocation
FAOs Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) zSpecial fund created in 1980 to support emergency actions and provide seed money for more comprehensive development projects zFund at the disposal of FAO/DG zTCP project budget < US$ Duration < 2 years zRequests must meet established criteria and must receive government support
How to Contact us: Food Quality and Standards Service Food and Nutrition Division FAO Via delle Terme di Caracalla Rome, Italy / Web: