Africa-Observer Project Dr. Johannes Kern Meckesheim – Germany How to make developing countries' voices heard in the private standards' arena?
1.Smallholder/Stakeholder involvement a) Overview b) National Technical Working Groups 2.Activities a) Smallholder task force b) Call for proposals and return c) Workshop 3.Lessons learned and way forward
1.a) Smallholder/Stakeholder Involvement Open Standard Setting Procedure* and stakeholder involvement during the standard revision public consultation phase (single proposals and round table discussions) members peer review * see:
NTWGs Czech Republic Sept Spain May 2002 France June 2002 Italy July 2002 Belgium Feb 2002 Netherlands Jan 2002 Malaysia Feb 2003 Argentina Mar 2004 Greece Sep 2004 Brazil June 2004 Germany May 2005 Colombia Dec 2006 Poland Dec Turkey April 2005 Denmark June 2007 Thailand Sep 2007 Bulgaria July 2006 Uruguay May 2008 India May 2008 Ukraine Sept Chile Jun 2008
1.b) National Technical Working Groups (NTWG) 1. Actual status In 21 countries; several approved National Interpretation Guidelines Pro-active strategy of GLOBALGAP (countries with > 300 certificates) 2. How to start a NTWGs? On initiative of members (GLOBALGAP) from single countries All organisations can become a member (Producers, retailers, exporters, CBs, government, NGOs etc.) Smallholder experts should be invited and represented 3. What are the NTWGs major task? -Define local agenda and priorities -Develop Interpretation Guidelines -Close cooperation with FoodPLUS and Sector Committees -Improve transparency and integrity of GLOBALGAP in the country -Facilitate implementation of GLOBALGAP in the country by adapting the global criteria to local situation -Get connected to the other NTWGs
2.a) The Smallholder Task Force Ruth NYAGA Africert/GTZ Kenya Kevin MAART DFPT* South Africa Kofi BINEY GTZ Ghana Babacar SAMBBioscope/NL Senegal Andrew GRAFFHAMNRI/IIED UK Steve HOMERBiospartners UK Interfaces to SC**: Richard Yudin, Andreas Kreuzmair (Edeka) Moderation: Elme Coetzer, Johannes Kern Back Office (BO):Bianca Untied (GTZ), Kerstin Uhlig *DFPT (Deciduous Fruit Producers Trust) ** SC (GLOBALGAP Sector Committee)
2.b) Call for proposals (I) Targets carry out public call for innovative proposals to improve GLOBALGAP standard for smallholders gather feedback on best practices from projects around the globe prepare high score proposals for Sector Committee
2.b) Call for proposals (II) Methodology Proposal sheets were divided into three parts: -Related topic (General Regulations or CPCC) -Justification -Impact assessment Independent evaluation by the Smallholder Task Force Discussion on proposals during the Workshop GLOBALGAP Group Certification: A challenge for smallholders in Europe and developing countries
64 proposals from various stakeholder groups (Experts, CBs, NGOs etc.) throughout the world General Regulations Internal auditors and farmers ratio; quantity of inspections; relationship between internal and external audits Farmer group vs. individual farmer as certificate holder Option 1 for smallholder groups Registration and certification fees 2.b) Return – key issues (I)
CPCC (Control Points and Compliance Criteria) Examples: Capacity development on food safety issues Number of CPCC Practicability of some CPCC 2.b) Return – key issues (II)
QMS Harmonisation (mutual recognition) of producer QMS/ICS across various standards Capacity development concerning QMS Functioning of sanctioning system 2.b) Return – key issues (III)
2.c) The Workshop Organised by GTZ together with GLOBALGAP, Marktkontor Baden and the Observer Project 52 Participants from 16 countries Presentations from Belgium, South Tirol, Turkey, Kenya, Ghana and Senegal Report under:
2.c) The Workshop Work group 1: The revision of GLOBALGAP Control Points to reflect the needs of smallholders Work group 2: The revision of General Regulations to reflect the needs of smallholders Work group 3: The participation of producer associations in the standard-setting process, e.g. in National Technical Working Groups Work group 4: QMS and the question of how producer associations can be supported during the implementation
3. Lessons learned and way forward Expert(s) from retailers in task force Selection of themes from call for future task force work Second call for proposals, more transparent, more languages Linking up with UNCTAD project on smallholder communication
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