Geneva, July 2012 Customs Cooperation – Information Exchange BrazilDivision on International Customs Affairs
Regional/Multilateral Customs Cooperation A single agreement, with benefits for all A useful tool to curb fraud and to improve enforcement and trade facilitation Brazil: Multilateral Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the National Customs Authorities of Latin America, Spain and Portugal (COMALEP) member countries in 4 different regions Agreement on Cooperation, Information Exchange, Data Consultation and Mutual Assistance between Customs Authorities of MERCOSUR – Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay
VPN via Internet INDIRA – Exchange of Information from Customs Registers ARGENTINA BRAZIL URUGUAYPARAGUAY
Exchanged Data Each Member State makes available to the other Member States data concerning: Intra and extra-regional imports; Intra-regional exports Request for information can be made by declaration or period INDIRA – Exchange of Information from Customs Registers Number of requests for information Made by Brazil Made to Brazil
Number of declaration Importation or Exportation Search by declaration Country providing information INDIRA – Exchange of Information from Customs Registers
Data contained in the declaration and information about its processing INDIRA – Exchange of Information from Customs Registers
Data about the imported good INDIRA – Exchange of Information from Customs Registers
Country providing the information Search by period Exportation Exporter identification (optional) Tariff classification (optional) Destination country INDIRA – Exchange of Information from Customs Registers
Export Declarations within the searched period INDIRA – Exchange of Information from Customs Registers
Search by importation linked to an exportation Country providing the information (importer/Uruguay) Export Declaration (Brazil) INDIRA – Exchange of Information from Customs Registers
Import declaration (Uruguay) INDIRA – Exchange of Information from Customs Registers
WCO has recognized the system as an international best practice for customs, providing an adequate tool for information exchange between customs authorities COMALEP has taken it into account as a basis for its future works in the area of customs information exchange Argentinean and Mexican customs have implemented it on a trial basis. Trial operations are also envisaged with Bolivia and Chile. Ecuador has also indicated interest in participating. INDIRA – Exchange of Information from Customs Registers
Necessary to cope with the increasing number of operations and irregular practices Exchange should be simple, quick and effective Request and response should be electronic, if possible Important to provide some details about the specific case: information being sought, reasons to doubt the truth or accuracy of a declaration (in sum, what customs needs to prove/confirm) Requesting country should first conduct internal verifications. As a general rule: - Pieces of information contained in the import or export declaration - Documents supporting the import or export declaration Modernization and Simplification of Information Exchange
Thank you! Marco Antonio Borges de Siqueira Division on International Customs Affairs