Reconciled... For the Sake of Christ 4:1-3
How can we reduce the number and intensity of conflicts in our lives? How can we resolve conflict and restore peace in our relationships? Reconciled…for Christ Philippians 4:1-3
Reducing Conflict – Anticipate attack – Adopt the attitude of Christ Reconciled…for Christ Philippians 4:1-3
Reducing Conflict Resolving Conflict and Restoring Peace – Rehearse your common ground – Initiate resolution regardless of blame – Keep it to yourself – Practice forgiveness – When necessary, seek help Reconciled…for Christ Philippians 4:1-3
In any of my relationships… Do I need to grant forgiveness to someone for Christ’s sake? Do I need to seek forgiveness for Christ’s sake? Do I need to choose to honor Christ rather than guard my own rights? Reconciled…for Christ Philippians 4:1-3