ICRA2008, 20/05/2008 Promoting Education on Technology and Science by Robotics The Portuguese Experience Jorge Dias Vice – Chair of Portuguese RAS IEEE Chapter IEEE RAS Portugal Chapter 1Jorge Dias
Summary & Outline SUMMARY The Robotic Competitions is a good medium for promoting Education on Engineering among young community. The experience and role of Portuguese robotics community in promoting education on technology and science by using robotics (IEEE RAS Chapter ). OUTLINE Portuguese RAS Chapter (Activities, The events ICRA2008, 20/05/20082Jorge Dias
AGVs from EFACEC, Renova (developed on 80’s by IST -Profª I. Ribeiro ) Robotics I&D in Portugal ICRA2008, 20/05/20083Jorge Dias
Robotics I&D in Portugal 1.Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR), 3 Universities ISR-Porto (UP), ISR-Coimbra (UC), ISR-Lisboa (IST) 2.Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica (IDMEC/IST) 3.UNINOVA / U. Nova de Lisboa 4.DEI- Department of Industrial Electronics U. Minho 5.Robotics Activities from IEETA / U. Aveiro 6.Robotics and Automation Group from DEM / U. Aveiro 7.Industrial Robotics Lab - U. Coimbra 8.Autonomous Systems Lab – ISEPorto (emergent groups or organizations) ICRA2008, 20/05/20084Jorge Dias
Robotic Activities in Portugal Mobile Robotics Marine Surface Robots PeopleMovers /CyberCars Autonomous Wheelchairs Rescue Robots Advanced Manipulators Aerial Vehicles ICRA2008, 20/05/20085Jorge Dias Portuguese Demonstration of Robotic Technologies
IEEE RAS Portugal Chapter ICRA2008, 20/05/20086Jorge Dias Promotes Education and Science Promotes RTD activities IEEE RAS Portugal Chapter
Official Board (2008) Chair: Pedro Lima, ISR-Lisboa, IST, U.T.Lisboa Vice-Chair: Jorge Dias, ISR-Coimbra, DEEC, U.Coimbra Secretary/Treasurer: Isabel Ribeiro, ISR-Lisboa, IST, U.T.Lisboa Official Starting Date: 4 October 2005 IEEE RAS Portugal Chapter Members of RAS PT Chapter: 67 people - 51 ACTIVE 45 Members 5 Graduate Student Members 6 Senior Members 4 Student Members 5 Associate Members 1 Affiliate ICRA2008, 20/05/20087Jorge Dias
ICRA2008, 20/05/2008 PROMOTES Portuguese Activities in Robotics for: RTD (supported by): The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT ) (research inside Universities or research Institutes) The Agency for Development and Innovation (ADI) (industrial research and development in cooperation with companies and research institutions) Educational (supported by): Ciência Viva Program ( promotion of science and culture) Portuguese Society for Robotics (association for development of robotics in Portugal) 8Jorge Dias IEEE RAS Portugal Chapter
Secondary School Level Infrastructure Differential motors (2 motors) Infrared Sensors for detecting an instrumented ball Contact Sensors for collision avoidance Microcontroller for path and task control Programming Environment ICRA2008, 20/05/20089Jorge Dias Robot Soccer for Secondary School Students
Micro-Rato (Univ. Aveiro), since 1996 Festival Internacional de Ciência e Tecnologia, 1997 Festival Nacional de Robótica, ROBÓTICA ICRA2008, 20/05/200810Jorge Dias Robotic Competitions in Portugal
ICRA2008, 20/05/200811Jorge Dias Senior leagues * Autonomous driving * RoboCup Soccer, Middle-Size League * Micro-Rato and Ciber-Rato Junior leagues * RoboCup Soccer 2x2 * Robocup Rescue * Dance Endorsed by the RoboCup Federation Qualified teams for competitions
ICRA2008, 20/05/2008 Conclusions In recent years Portugal have a good level of activity in Robotics with: Involvement in several European and international projects in robotics Organization of relevant conferences (ICAR, IAV, RoboCup, …) Organization and participation in Robotic competitions (including RoboCup 2004) and events on Science & Technology Robotics at Industrial level are increasing with new spin-off companies from University and R&D Centers In Portugal, robotic competitions have been crucial for promotion of education on engineering and technology In this context, the Portuguese IEEE RAS Chapter is a crucial structure to support these robotic activities 12Jorge Dias