The Specialism & Communications Raising English achievement through PE Matt BarrattJane Elam
The School Situated in Calderdale – a selective LA Specialist Sports College since 2001 KS3 PE – 2 hours per week KS4 PE – 4 hours per week PE now a “Core Subject” An improving picture… Whole School 46% A*-C PE 44% A*-C (None core subject)) English 47% A*-C 2009 Whole School- 73% A*-C PE 92% A*-C (50% A*-A) English70% A*-C 2006 – 9 15 th Most improved school nationally
Starting point Ofsted 2007 said: ‘PE outstanding’… …but no impact across whole school! The challenge Raise achievement in English through the Sports Specialism How? Target overachieving PE students who are underachieving in English Ensure School maximises potential in “at risk” students Based on FFT predicted grades and internal tracking data Image area
Consultation with Faculty leader, identify target groups, cross reference of data Closed project with clear boundaries for measuring impact. Relevant to pupils’ interests and expands on their knowledge base. The process The barriers Very receptive staff but there were issues about: Bloody PE again….. What do they know about English? What do I know about sport? 3 week programme Ran in both core PE and English lessons Additional time gained when staff free Tea & biscuits! The format
Then... THE PROJECT AQA English Language 20% of final GCSE 3 tasks: Extended individual contribution Drama-based activity Discussion activity
Part 1 Extended individual contribution Research and presentation on their greatest Briton Initial presentation by me (the one in the white t shirt!!!) Pupils, using mark scheme, grade presentation, and justify marks, why did it score highly? Image area
Part 2 Drama-based contribution (role play) Honest discussion from former pupil Michael Collins about being dropped from team despite being Player of Year previously. Feelings, emotions, manner of manager, evidence to support decision Pupils dropped the PE teachers…. And enjoyed it far too much! Being the manager Image area Michael Collins scoring for Huddersfield Town against Chelsea in the FA Cup
Part 3 The debate….. Pupils given the opportunity to spend £1000 of departmental money Range of scenarios given from new kit for the staff, new equipment for teams, equipment for lunchtime use, to trophies for Sports Presentation Evening Pupils required to debate the issues, present and justify their top 3 suggestions Expanded- As a school core subject we should remove core PE for more theory qualifications
The impact 20 pupils FFT D Predicted A*-C – 36% FFT D Actual A*- C – 92% Speaking & Listening Coursework Grades 100% A*-A A* – 50% A – 50% Overall GCSE English Grades A – 16% B – 25% C – 51% D – 8% GCSE English A*-C % % %
Next steps... Exact same programme launched to all Y9 Issues: Changes too big: one size does not fit all Lost the focused impact Issues: Needed to be small focus groups
Where did we go next? Y7 & 8 Sport Education & English Making the link Making the link Brief: To develop the learning processes in the new English curriculum REAL audiences, REAL purposes Reality: 6 week joint unit of work What's played on the field is reported in the classroom. Pupils work in same teams in both lessons Developing: Report writing Poetry Sport based research projects
Where we are now? Y7 PE:Sport Education Football English: Report writing and History of Sport Project ICT: Team programme design Organisational Points:All deliver at same time Same “team” in all lessons
Where we are now? Y8 PE:Sport Education Football English: Poetry – Poet in residence / targeted intervention ICT: Web page design programme design Organisational Points:All deliver at same time Same “team” in all lessons
Where we are now? Y9/10/11 English Language Project: Targeted groups (sport specific) Organisational Points:Use of PE staff / lessons / former pupils Assess through Sports Leadership
Soft data Asking the pupils Actually addressing PLT’s “It’s how I like my lessons” The hard stuff Use the KS3 s.o.w with target groups and check assessment data against achievement in whole year assessment activities KS4 targeted intervention Demonstrable impact against targeted groups, G and T PE/ English C-D borderline etc Evidencing Impact
English - Where else are we going? Sports Journalism Awards Level 1- Key Stage 3 Level 2 – Key Stage 4 Level 3 – Key Stage 5 “Y14 Students” entering Sports Journalism to Edit Paper Year 9: Year 9: Discursive /Argumentative Writing – target groups optional Series of presentations and optional briefs including: - Drugs in Sport- Football Hooliganism - Gamesmanship- Racism Year 10:Spoken language unit (new AQA GCSE) Currently being written for controlled assessment to incorporate the language of sports commentators for the ‘occupational language’ option