Horror House By Rio
1.Introduction You and your brother are walking through a misty forest. You stop and hear something. You look up and see an owl on top of a spooky horror house. There are two doors to enter, they both creek open. You turn around and as quick as a flash you're brother tom has gone missing.Which door are you going to enter. If you go through the main entrance go to 6 if you go through the little door go to 363
2.Bathroom You see a room at the end of the corridor. You enter it. It is the bathroom, It is very cold and the floor is wet you look up and the tap is running you wouldn't dare to turn it off. There are spiders hanging from the ceiling, you’re very scared and shaking. You walk a bit further to the bath you look inside. It is green and mouldy and there still no sign of Tom. You see two more doors. If you choose to go through the corridor go to 2,If you choose to go through a little door go to 5.25
3.Bedroom You enter the bedroom as the door creeks open. The first thing you see is an old wardrobe. You look inside, there's nothing but beetles crawling round. You're shaking and really scared but it isn't the end yet. You turn around and look in the bed. You pull the covers off but Tom isn’t there. You turn around and there is a long slithering snake hissing its way towards you. You see a little door beside you. If you take the little door go to 4,if you jump over the snake to the main door go to 8.48
4.Kitchen You enter the kitchen and look around. There is a big knife covered in blood on the floor. There are spiders crawling all around, mostly on the ceiling. Suddenly… The lights turn of and the phone is starting to print pictures of zombies and other scary stuff. By now you are really scared and you only want to get out but without Tom you're not going to leave. If you take the snake rope go to 3, If you take the tarantula slide go to 6.3 6
5. THE CELLAR. It is wet and slime is creeping down the walls. You have a strange feeling in this room, you are eager to leave. Go to 7 up the rope ladder and go to 8 up the stairs.78
6.Dining room You enter the dining room. Its very dark and gloomy. You cant see anything but as you get closer you see a shadowy figure glancing at you, right in the face. Who could it be? Is it Tom? But no it is’nt Tom. You don’t know what to do. You're really scared and shaking. It’s coming towards you! YOU ARE DOOMED!
7.Living Room You enter the living room and the TVs on. You can’t see anybody so you step closer. Suddenly…the TV turns off, you look on the sofa and there’s someone sitting on the sofa. You look at him. Is it Tom? You don’t get any closer and by now it is coming towards you. You start to walk backwards until you hit the floor with a thump! You get up and the figure is right in front of you. YOU ARE DOOMED!
8. Baby’s Room You’re in the baby’s room. It’s covered with spiders and different crawling creatures. You get closer as you come to the wardrobe but you don’t want to open it but you have to incase Tom is in there. You open it AH! You scream there is a skeleton chained up, it’s only small so it must be the baby. You look in the bed and there is somebody there. It is Tom! YOU HAVE WON THE GAME!!