Jayne Hunt & Mark Richardson
Give an overview of UWN Family Summer School Evaluate the effectiveness of this scheme To discuss the impact summer schools can have on family groups
University of Wales, Newport—widening access team We target, typically, ‘hard to reach’ areas Meaning our student’s are often socially and economically disadvantaged Through bite size curriculum offer—we develop progression routes through to further and higher levels of study, employment or other community based activity. The summer school is one such activity
Format of summer school: 3 days Open for current students and their children Residential for up to half of those attending Campus based Series of lectures Informal evening activities: quizzes, Wii Olympics
Lectures/workshops included: Philosophy consumer ethics, Moral ethics, Sustainable development, Critical thinking. External input from Newport Gwent Dragons in the form of a healthy lifestyles taster session. Dedicated points of contact with student support offering advice and guidance related to ‘Uni’ life
Three groups; Ages 0-5 years- Crèche Ages 6-8 years- Crèche Plus (ages specific activities) Ages 8-16 years-Film School
Over 3 days the aim was to: Make 2 films Which were thought up, designed, filmed, formatted and edited by the participating children. Films were entered into First Film Awards (local film event) Won Best Screen Play and Best Camera Work
Perceptual barriers of HE and campus reduced Increased levels of motivation and aspiration Awareness of the variety and breadth of HE opportunity raised Finance main reason for not accessing HE— workload a close second. Meeting Campus based academic staff was considered a significant positive.
Charlie’s* engagement in school has increased as a direct result of participating in the Summer School. He Has been asked to cover for choir and drama in school, using the skills he learnt at the Summer School such as Sound, audio, background—behind the stage work. Parent reflection: The Summer school brought my child’s confidence out—and wants to do more behind the set work— more filming and videoing. Amy*—Was asked, what do you want to do when you have left school? “I want to go to university and I feel I can do this now”.
13 went to clearing to access campus based HE Due to course demand only 3 managed to secure places at UWN 1 managed to get onto a degree at Uni Glam Others stated that as a result of the summer school “We want to come to uni part time—we are doing extra modules now to make that happen”
“Doing the summer school has now meant I can be more than just a mum—I can be a student too and learn with my kids. I can really do something. Fantastic—once in a lifetime experience going to a university and making a film. Both here [awards] and going to the university—overwhelming and just exciting—proud mum. “Since the summer school I have now gone to uni myself—doing a foundation degree in childhood studies—Glamorgan—the summer school opened my eyes and that I can do it (HE)kids found it fantastic and they cant wait now to go to uni because it was so much fun”.
We want to discuss 3 particular areas 1. Recruitment 2. The effectiveness of summer school activity for widening access 3. What other institutions/providers either think or are already engaged in with regards to summer school activity.