RELIABLE MULTIMEDIA TRANSMISSION OVER COGNITIVE RADIO NETWORKS USING FOUNTAIN CODES Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 96, No. 1, January 2008 Harikeshwar Kushwaha, Student Member IEEE, Yiping Xing, Student Member IEEE, Rajarathnam Chandramouli, Senior Member IEEE, and Harry Heffes, Fellow IEEE 1
Outline 2
Introduction 3 Wireless multimedia applications require significant bandwidth and satisfying relatively tight delay constraints. Radio spectrum is a scarce resource. spectrum has already been allocated. Secondary spectrum access(FCC) dynamic access to the unused parts of the spectrum owned by the primary license holder facilitated by Cognitive radios
Introduction 4
Spectrum Pooling Concept 5
6 A link is composed of multiple different SCs at different frequencies. achieving distributed streaming Reliable But, the coordination required between the SCs.
Digital Fountain Codes 7 No need of coordination required between the SCs. Robust against the packet loss caused by the PU interference and other channel conditions.
Primary User Arrival Model 8
Coding Scheme for Scalable Multimedia Applications 10
Problem description 11 How many?
Problem description 12
Subchannel Selection 13
Simulation Result 20
Simulation Result - Parameterization 21 1) Estimation of Number of Required Subchannels:
Simulation Result - Parameterization 22
Simulation Result - Parameterization 23 2) LT Codes(ideal case) : robust soliton distribution
Simulation Result - Parameterization 24 3) Delay and Other Requirements:
Simulation Result - Parameterization 25
Simulation Result - Parameterization 26
Simulation Result – Performance Analysis 27 Observation in Figs : 1) Dependence on X For each value of S, attains a maximum value at a specific value of X. 2) Dependence on S η attains another maximum at a specific value of S. 3) Dependence on λ η decreases as λ increases
Conclusion 28 Propose a scheme for the transmission of distributed multimedia applications over cognitive radio networks with the help of digital fountain codes. For a given λ and number of original packets K, we can find out the value of the optimum number of SCs and the overhead X that give maximum spectral efficiency.