AID FOR TRADE AT A GLANCE 2011: SHOWING RESULTS in the area of trade facilitation WTO Symposium on Trade Facilitation Costs and Benefits Geneva, 8-9 November 2011
Trends and developments A4T by region and category
Proportion of A4T in total ODA Long-term trends in bilateral ODA and Aid for Trade
A4T contributes to..
.. provided that..
Recipients priorities
Trade Policy and Regulations
Economic Infrastructure
Building Productive Capacity
Aid for Trade Facilitation by region
Aid for Trade Facilitation by income group
Aid for Trade Facilitation by donor group
More information AIDFORTRADE AT A GLANCE 2011 SHOWING RESULTS A4T AT A GLANCE 2011, TRADE FACILITATION extracts and additional tables Joint OEDC/WTO knowledge network contact :