Friday, April 4 th How did the rough draft of your immigrant journal go? What part was easiest for you and what part gave you the most trouble? What would.


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Presentation transcript:

Friday, April 4 th How did the rough draft of your immigrant journal go? What part was easiest for you and what part gave you the most trouble? What would you like your peer editing partner to look for during our editing workshop today?

Peer Editing Workshop Pull out your rough drafts for the Immigrant Journal project and your project instruction packet. Trade papers with the person sitting next to you. If someone nearby is absent, do a three-way swap. Carefully read your partner’s draft. Make comments (both positive feedback and constructive criticism!) as you read. Refer to your project packet to make sure that your partner has addressed all components of the project! When you have finished reading and commenting, fill out the Peer Editing Worksheet. This sheet is worth 10 points! You may listen to music if you would like.

Peer Editing Conference Return the rough draft to your partner. Each partner should explain the comments/suggestions that they have made. Turn in both your rough draft and the peer editing workshop so Ms. Gammie can give you credit for both. They are each worth 10 points.

Make sure your car has each of the following elements: - Body - Wheels/Tires - Windows - Bumpers - Doors/Door Handles - Lights - Hood Ornament

Your dream car!

Assembly Line Organization Worker 1: Supply paper/Body Worker 2: Wheels/Tires Worker 3: Windows and bumpers Worker 4: Doors/Door Handles Worker 5: Lights Worker 5: Hood Ornament and collect

Written Reflection Write 1 paragraph answering the following questions: How did you feel doing each of the 2 car design activities? What are the pros and cons of each method? How is the rise of industry both good and bad for American society?

The Model ‘T’ Ford Henry Ford set out to build a car that everyone could afford to buy. It was slow, ugly, and difficult to drive.

The Model ‘T’ Ford The attraction of the Model T Ford was that its price never increased—so it was affordable for the average American! Costing $1200 in 1909, the price in 1928 was only $295 (that’s $3, in today’s dollars!). By 1929 Ford was producing more than one car per minute.

Mass Production Ford was able to sell cars cheaply because they were mass-produced and every part was Standardized (only one color and one engine size were available). By producing large numbers of cars on an Assembly Line, Ford needed/wanted fewer skilled workers. Why?

Assembly Lines ‘… each man and each machine do only one thing... the thing is to keep everything in motion and take the work to the man, not the man to the work’ Henry Ford 1925

Division of Labor -The product was placed on the line, and each worker completed a single, specialized task over and over again. -Because the product came to the workers, their work required very little movement. -This process is called the specialization of labor.

Mass Production

Ford invented the idea of using an Assembly Line to speed up production.

Quote – Henry Ford How would this have helped to cut production costs? ‘A customer can have any color he likes for his car so long as it's black’

Video: Modern Times

Closer, 4/4 What are some specific job-related problems that Charlie encounters? How do the business leaders try to increase production to make more money? Give examples.

Friday, April 4 th If money were not an issue, what would be the first car you would buy? Why?

Closer, 4/4 What are the PROS and CONS of introducing the assembly line to American industry?

Create your dream car! Make sure your car has each of the following elements: - Body - Wheels/Tires - Windows - Bumpers - Doors/Door Handles - Lights - Hood Ornament