Engaging Aboriginal Students through Culturally Enriched Curriculum South Western Sydney Natalie Pierson- A/Regional Consultant Aboriginal Education and Engagement Sherrie Meyers - Aboriginal Engagement and Connections Officer
Overview of Presentation Overview of South Western Sydney Aboriginal Education and Training Policy/ATSIEAP History of Twugia and VIP programs What does it look like at a Regional level? Community Partnerships Student Voice Presentation View Students Work Question Time
South Western Sydney Located on Eora, Darug and Dharawal Countries Approx Aboriginal students enrolled Over 150 Aboriginal staff employed 276 Schools 90 Aboriginal Teachers 16 Aboriginal Education Officers
Aboriginal Education and Training Policy Improve educational outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders students and learners in schools, TAFE and community colleges, so that they excel and achieve in every aspect of their education and training. Build everyone's knowledge and understanding of the histories, cultures and experiences of the first people of Australia. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Action Plan Engagement and Connections Literacy and Numeracy Attendance Pathways to Real Post School Options
History of VIP Program VIP Year 7-12 program Not based on a deficit model Initiative to provide opportunities to enhance the vocal talents of Aboriginal students
Implementing at a Regional Level Aboriginal Vocal Identification Program VIP DEC Partnership with Kari Aboriginal Resources Inc, Casula Powerhouse VIP Team (KARI/DEC) Planning Expression Of Interest to South Western Sydney Aboriginal students 7-12 Audition Process 6 Workshops (2 Days) Recording Day ( 3 Days-Concert)
Workshops Aims participate in a culturally rich program, to learn and share knowledge opportunity to develop skills in vocal techniques confidence and self esteem to perform publicly opportunity to participate in a variety of performances skills to plan for future goals in vocal performance
VIP Workshops Activities Introductions/ Vocal warm up activities Individual performances Feedback and recommendations Dance and movement Group performances Recording studio Aboriginal mentor VIP concert
VIP Concert Casula Powerhouse 7-9pm 22 students 2 Group songs Dance Performance Individual performances Presentation of Certificates and CDs, prizes 250 attend including school personnel and Community
Student Voice Gemma Summerhayes
History of Twugia Twugia Initially a Year 6 program. Students selected from year 5 NAPLAN results Progression of program extended to year 10 Not based on a deficit model Initiative to extended Aboriginal students performing at a high level.
Implementing at a Regional Level Twugia Regional Coordinator Students selected based on NAPLAN year 5 results and invited to continue participation Different program for each year group Invite community partners to support Various workshops based on year group program Showcase celebration
Year 6 Twugia Focus on literacy – An anthology of writing Invited students to participate in Twugia Connected with Elder, consultants and teachers Meet and greet afternoon tea for students, parents and support staff 3 day camp Individual workshop days Published book Book launched at the Showcase and created an ibook
Year 7 Twugia Focus on ICT and Literacy Invited students to participate in Twugia Connected with partners – consultants and teachers Meet and greet afternoon tea for students, parents and support staff 3 day camp Individual workshop days Copy short films to DVD Short films launched at the Showcase
Year 9 and 10 Twugia Focus on ‘Pathways to Real Post School options’ Invited students to participate in Twugia Connected with partners – consultants and teachers Meet and greet afternoon tea for students, parents and support staff Individual workshop days Follow up with students and career advisors Share information at Showcase
Showcase Student work
Question time ????? Contact Details Natalie Pierson, Riverwood Office Sherrie Meyers, Riverwood Office Riverwood Education Office 11 Union St Riverwood 2210